Delayed periods or Irregular menstrual periods have become very common these days for a lot of
women in their reproductive age and they suffer great agonies when their period
does not come on time. A delay of 4-5 days may be fine but if it exceeds 8
days, then it's certainly a cause for concern.
In this post, I'll be sharing highly effective Indian home remedies for your delayed periods.
I'd been a long sufferer of irregular periods during my teenage to early twenties. I've tried most of the recipes here, along with Kapalabhati pranayama, yoga poses, mudras and other lifestyle habits.
Now my periods are extremely regular like clockwork; not a day less or more than 28. When I look back, I'm surprised how I managed those years of anxiety and fear about my late periods.
Possible Causes of Delayed Periods
Irregularity in menstruation can be due to a number of causes. There may be underdevelopment or congestion of genital organs.
Constitutional diseases, like anemia, tuberculosis and even chronic malaria are some diseases also commonly responsible for causing scanty menses at prolonged intervals.
Some women suffer from endocrinal disorders, like hypothyroidism, toxic goiter, PCOS/ PCOD and other hormonal disturbances.
The best thing for those who are bugged by the problem of delayed and irregular periods would be to consult a gynecologist who, after thorough check-up, can find out the cause and treat you accordingly.
After ascertaining the cause for your irregular menstruation, you may try some of these effective home-remedies. Pregnancy is also the cause of a missed / late period. So you might want to take a pregnancy test, before trying these remedies.
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In this post, I'll be sharing highly effective Indian home remedies for your delayed periods.
I'd been a long sufferer of irregular periods during my teenage to early twenties. I've tried most of the recipes here, along with Kapalabhati pranayama, yoga poses, mudras and other lifestyle habits.
Now my periods are extremely regular like clockwork; not a day less or more than 28. When I look back, I'm surprised how I managed those years of anxiety and fear about my late periods.
Irregularity in menstruation can be due to a number of causes. There may be underdevelopment or congestion of genital organs.
Constitutional diseases, like anemia, tuberculosis and even chronic malaria are some diseases also commonly responsible for causing scanty menses at prolonged intervals.
Some women suffer from endocrinal disorders, like hypothyroidism, toxic goiter, PCOS/ PCOD and other hormonal disturbances.
The best thing for those who are bugged by the problem of delayed and irregular periods would be to consult a gynecologist who, after thorough check-up, can find out the cause and treat you accordingly.

After ascertaining the cause for your irregular menstruation, you may try some of these effective home-remedies. Pregnancy is also the cause of a missed / late period. So you might want to take a pregnancy test, before trying these remedies.
This post may contain affiliate links which means I may make a small commission if you purchase something via a link on the site - at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Please read the complete disclosure policy to know more.
Indian Home Remedies For Delayed or Late Periods
1. Papaya (Unripe preferred)
Green unripe papaya is also useful in case of a delayed or late period. Cut a few pieces of raw papaya and eat half a bowl of such pieces or else you can make a simple salad from papaya and have it. However if you cannot get unripe papaya, you can make do with with ripe ones as well, but unripe ones are most effective.
2. Aloe vera
*Intake of aloe vera juice is found to be highly effective when one has a problem of irregular periods. One should start having half a glass of pure aloe juice on an empty stomach once in the morning and another half glass in the evening.Refer to this article if you want to know the procedure of making fresh aloe juice at home. However, instead of adding any fruit juice as suggested in that article, add only pure water to it.
If making fresh aloe juice regularly is a bother for you and you have a lot of aloe plants growing at home, you may prepare aloe-sugar syrup to store it for 1-2 months.
For that you have to extract aloe-juice from the leaves of aloe plants and mix it with almost equal amounts of sugar and prepare a syrupy mixture by boiling it over a low flame. When the mixture cools, store it in a glass bottle.
Have 1-2 tbsps of this syrup regularly the first thing in the morning. Alternatively, you can buy organic aloe vera juice from the market (Baba Ramdev's aloe vera juice is also good) and have it regularly twice a day as mentioned above.
* Another way is to scoop out some fresh aloe gel (excluding the yellow part) and mix it with some of jaggery (Gud) or brown sugar and have it regularly on an empty stomach in the morning and one more time in the evening.
Read the post Aloevera For Women's Health Issues for information (& home-remedies) on how aloevera can be used to tackle various women's health problems.
3. Til (Sesame ) & Jaggery / Molasses
Consuming sesame seeds in the later half of the cycle that is during the the luteal phase (approximately after day 14, if yours is a 28 days cycle) can help regulate your cycle as they help balance your hormones.Sesame seeds are full of lignans, which block excess estrogens. Buy sesame seeds here: the white variety and black varietyThey also contain essential fatty acids that promote optimal hormone production. In Ayurvedic parlance, jaggery is considered as a warm food and hence is helpful in bringing on a period. Furthermore, it is high in iron and helps with anemia too; good for those with scanty menses too. Buy jaggery here.
Both Sesame and jaggery contain calcium; sesame, particularly has a very high content of calcium and therefore helps with PMS too. Black sesame seeds have more calcium and a better nutritional value; so these are highly preferable. But even white sesame seeds will do.

* An old folk remedy recommends thoroughly chewing and swallowing one tablespoon of sesame seeds 2 weeks prior to the scheduled date of menses can bring on a period on time.
* A decoction of cumin (jeera) and gingelly (sesame) (Til) seeds, sweetened with jaggery helps to set off menstruation. Add 1 tbsp each of jeera and Til in water and boil it till the water reduces to three fourths. Add some jaggery to taste.
Alternatively you might try making Til (Sesame) ladoos (see recipe here) and have 1 such ladoo, the first thing thing in the morning followed by half a glass of cow's milk.
*If you do not want to eat seasame laddoos, you can dry roast 11/2 tbsp of sesame seeds, mix it with jaggery powder / molasses around 2 tsp and have it during your luteal phase.
*Take equal quantities of Til (sesame seeds), Pippali (Long Pepper), Black Pepper, Dry Ginger and Bharangi (see info about Bharangi here). All these can be procured from an Ayurvedic pharmacy.
Powder them and store it in a bottle. Have 1 tsp of this powder with jaggery 2 times a day, the first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and once in the evening.

* If you have sugar cravings during the luteal phase, which is most common, eating a piece of jaggery or a spoonful of molasses / jaggery syrup instead of gorging on sweets will help. Buy jaggery syrup here.
Jaggery also releases endorphins, the happy hormones that will help you deal with mood swings of PMS and as mentioned earlier it's calcium content works to your benefit during PMS.

4. Amla (Indian Gooseberries
Chew fresh, ripe Indian gooseberries (Amla) early in the morning. If fresh ones are not available, you can make do with Amla juice as well. Take 3 tsp of Amla juice and mix it with 3 tsp of honey and have it.
You can use Amla juice from Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali pharmacy or any other organic Amla juice such as this. Do not eat anything for at least one hour after that.
Since fresh Amla is not available at all times, you can use dry Amla powder as well. It’s readily available at any Ayurvedic pharmacy. Mix 3 grams of dry Amla powder with water or honey and have it at night after your dinner.
Regular intake of Amla removes toxins from blood, aids the formation of red blood corpuscles, relieves urinary problems and helps in irregular menstruation.
Try this for 2 months at least and you’ll notice the difference. You’ll feel more youthful and energetic as well.
5. Fenugreek (Methi)
Soak 1½ tsp of fenugreek (methi) seeds in water the previous night and in the morning you can see that they swell up. Have it regularly on an empty stomach.
Alternatively, you can try fenugreek tea. You can use soaked fenugreek seeds for this purpose also. Boil a cup of water and add 1½ tsp of fenugreek seeds and let it simmer on a low flame.
When the water reduces to three-fourths, turn off heat and have it in sips when it is sufficiently hot. You may add jaggery (Amazon) / molasses / brown sugar (Amazon) for taste if you wish.
Have this fenugreek tea twice a day, once on an empty stomach and once at night before going to bed.
Fenugreek tea is especially helpful for those who are bugged by PCOS / PCOD problems as it helps normalize blood sugar levels.
If taking fenugreek seeds in the morning or fenugreek tea is not viable for you, you may take it once in the afternoon by mixing a tsp of fenugreek seeds powder (buy from here) in a glass of thin buttermilk.
Having Fenugreek helps in resolving menstrual problems including irregular and late periods as well as leucorrhoea or white discharge. It also reduces swelling in the uterus and cleans the uterine vessels.
7. Horsegram
Horsegram is also called Hurali in Kannada and Kulith in Konkani / Marathi. Eating dishes that have Horsegram (Kulath) can also bring about your period as horsegram is believed to be heat-producing food as per Ayurveda.
It’s also good for diabetics. You can have it as Horsegram Saar (soup) (See recipe here) or this chutney or dosa.
8. Drumstick
Drumstick leaves are also beneficial in case of delayed or late periods. A week before your expected period; try to consume dishes made of drumstick (Sahijan). Dishes & sabjis made of drumstick leaves are especially recommended.Drumstick leaves have huge medicinal uses too. Read about it in this post. (Also read Skincare and beauty with drumstick leaves).
To bring on a period on time, you can try this old folk remedy. 3-4 days before the expected date of the period, take tender leaves of drumstick (1 - 2 tbsp), arka flower petals(Ekkada huvu in Kannada) ( 2-3 petals only) and grind it to make a paste.
Add some jaggery to it and consume it till you get your period.(Arka flowers and leaves should not be taken in large quantities as they can induce vomiting. If you are concerned, better skip the Arka flower and use the drumstick leaves paste only.)
Now the scientific name of Arka flower is Calotropis gigantea. In Tamil, it is called as Erukku. Read more about it in Wikipedia.
Now most of you are familiar with the garland of leaves used to adorn the idols of Lord Hanuman. These are the leaves of Arka flower. Now I'm sure you can recognise this plant.
Garlands made with Arka flower are also used to adorn Lord Ganesha's Vigrahas. Arka plant has a plethora of medicinal uses. However it is not be consumed by pregnant women as it is supposed to induce abortion.

Other Herbal Remedies For tackling Delayed / Irregular menstruation
* Make a decoction of the aerial roots of banyan and consume with half a glass of cow’s milk at bedtime for at least 3 menstrual cycles.* Take a decoction of the roots of bitter gourd (karela) at least twice a day; this usually makes the period to commence.
* Saunf (fennel) seeds also found to be helpful in menstrual irregularities.
* Boil the roots of the fig (anjeer) and take the filtered decoction for a few weeks to normalize the menstrual cycle.
* A small cupful of the decoction prepared from the leaves or the seeds of coriander (cilantro) thrice a day is found to be useful in regulating the menstrual cycle.
* A cup of grape juice everyday is also believed to bring regularity of the menstrual cycle.
* Take a teaspoonful of radish seeds and grind it with water to make a fine paste. Mix this paste with a cup of buttermilk and drink.
* In scanty menses: Drink a decoction of Manjistha / Indian madder roots for an entire cycle i.e. everyday to correct anemia, if any and establish a healthy flow of menstrual blood.
[Manjistha is available at any Ayurvedic pharmacy in India. You can also buy from Amazon - Banyan Botanicals Manjistha Powder, 1 Pound - USDA Organic - Rubia cordifolia - Cleanses The Blood & Lymph - Ayurveda]
* Eating raw carrots also stimulate menstruation. A week before menses eat 1-2 carrots regularly.
* For irregular menstruation, make a hot infusion of neem bark and take one cup in the morning, noon and evening until cured.
Pranayam and Yoga for treating irregular periods
* Practising Kapalabhati Pranayam for 5 minutes each time, twice a day helps to regularize the menstrual cycle and also alleviates other disorders of the reproductive system. Agnisara kriya is another such practice that helps.* Padahastana is a yogic pose that can help a great deal in making your periods regular. For more information on this asana, read this post and watch the video here.
Other poses that help are Trikonasana (triangle pose), supta baddha konasana, Titliasana (the butterfly pose), Shalabhasana (locust pose), Bhujangasana (the serpent pose), Malasana etc. Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation pose) also helps tremendously.
However all these asanas have to be learnt under a competent yoga guru and not to be attempted on your own.
Mudras For Delayed Periods and better Reproductive Health:
Along with yoga and pranayam, performing certain mudras / hand gestures will also help. Now the mudras mentioned below are not specifically for irregular or delayed periods.But they help in the overall health of the reproductive system and other women's heath issues. These are: Yoni Mudra, Apana Mudra, Vayu mudra, Shankha mudra, Sahaja Shanka mudra, Shakti mudra and Surabhi mudra.
Do each of these mudras for 10 minutes everyday and get rid of all kinds of period problems including irregular, late and scanty menses.

You may search for YouTube videos of these mudras.
Final Note:
So do you suffer from delayed menstruation or late periods? Did you consult a gynecologist for your problem? Did you get an ultrasound done to check whether you have polycystic ovaries or for that matter did your thyroid test come normal?Did you try any of the remedies mentioned here and did it help you bring your period on time? Do you know of any other home remedy that has been effective for irregular and late periods?
Do share your thoughts and suggestions and also your queries in the comments.
See also:
- Home Remedies for white discharge (leucorrhea)
- Home Remedies for painful menstruation
- Home remedies for PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome)
- Home remedies for excessive and heavy bleeding (menorrhagia)
- A tip for painful menses.
- Why do I get constipated before menses?
- Is it normal to have a 7 days period?
Note: Please click Load more ... link above the comments column to view more comments
THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH for sharing your herbal knowledge!!
ReplyDeleteHi, I just came across your website and found the references to use aloe-sugar syrup for late coming menses. I was two weeks late, not pregnant, and miserable…the aloe syrup worked like a miracle thanks again
ReplyDeleteI tried green unripe papaya and aloe-sugar syrup and practised Kapalabhati Pranayama and my period is in full effect!!! (Yay!!) I'm a little bit "crampy" but nothing abnormal - actually probably more mild cramping than I usually have.So anyway - I wanted to share my experience with you and tell you that your home remedies works and it works FAST!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGlad to know that these remedies worked for you all. :)
ReplyDeletewell thanks! you’ve really provided a solution to one of my greatest problems.
ReplyDeleteHi, i would like to ask if eating pineapples help? i've heard that it helps. i ate a slice a few days ago.. but my period is still not here yet.. =( i dont know where i can get aloe syrup..
Don't know if pineapple helps but most people say that eating raw papaya certainly helps. But the most effective way to get regular periods is to do Kapalabhati Pranayam regularly. If you have an aloe-plant at home you can easily prepare the syrup. Just click on the aloe-syrup link in this post. You can even extract the gel from aloe-leaves,blend it well and consume the juice directly if your prefer, but the taste may be not to your liking.
ReplyDeleteAnother reason for the period being delayed could be stress. The cause of the stress good or bad can affect our period and when it comes because of being easily excited.
ReplyDeleteHi,I m not preganant and my periods are late for more than 1 month? I read about papaya and aloe syrup but how many times I have to take it and what is the quantity is not mentioned. Please Help Me.
ReplyDeleteYou can take the syrup twice a day
ReplyDeletedoes row papaya help abort 3 weeks having it
ReplyDeletecan u please tell the quantity of aloe-sugar syrup.
ReplyDeleteDrinking pure aloe juice is the best remedy, a cup of aloe juice twice a day will do. Sugar is added only for taste. If you insist on adding sugar you have to add half part of sugar to one part of aloe juice.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to thank you for this post - I found it very helpful
ReplyDeletegreat post, keep going!
ReplyDeletesome home remedies for menstruation problem
ReplyDeleteBoil 1 cup of black beans in 5 cups of water and drink the juice half cup before your 3 meals this will help regulate menstruation.
Parsley is one of the most effective among the several home remedies in the treatment of menstrual disorders. It increases menstruation and assists in the regularization of the monthly periods. The unripe papaya helps the contractions of the muscle fibres of the uterus and is very effective in maintaining a proper menstrual flow. The herb hermal is useful in regulating the menstrual periods. It is especially beneficial in painful and difficult menstruation. Two tablespoons of the seeds should be boiled in half a litre of water, till it is reduced by one - third. This mixture should be given in 15 to 30ml doses.
First of all if you need regular periods ,you must sleep for at least 7 hours. Now i am giving you nice remedy for your delayed periods.
ReplyDeleteHalf tea spoon til oil , add one tea spoon of cow's ghee and two tea spoons of pure honey. Mix it all and take it twice a day empty stomach in morning and evening , till your periods start. Frm next cycle repeat it every 5th day
Hi, plz, plz, plz, tell me where i get the aloe sugar syrup and how much i need to take.
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous, refer to comment no: 7, 10 & 13
ReplyDeleteYou need to drink one glassful carrot juice daily for three consecutive months; this simple herbal remedy will surely regularize you irregular menstruation cycle.
ReplyDeleteVery informative, something that most ladies would want to know...thanks a lot:)
ReplyDeletepls tel me how to get periods in a general way iam not knowing what to do.but iam not pregnent yet iam very depressed by seeing my ugly belly pls help me out
ReplyDeleteHi i am not pregnant and my periods are delayed for about 3 months i'm really scared. it was not like this before,is there any good home remedy to regulate my periods please. i'm 24 don't have any kids and want to have soon.
ReplyDeleteand where can i get aloe plant in cary north carolina
If you are not pregnant and your periods are delayed, please practise Kapalabhati Pranayam regularly. It helps to regularize your periods and is also a good exercise for your reproductive organs. Please consult a good doctor too. I stay in India, so I have absolutely no idea where you can get an aloe plant in North Carolina.
ReplyDeleteIn order to improve your hormones eat nuts and grains which produce more hormones. You should reduce your size if you are fat. your tention is the main hindrance for your menses flow.
ReplyDeleteCan you please let me know the proportion for A decoction of cumin (jeera) and gingelly (sesame) (Til) seeds, sweetened with jaggery
I had a scan and sonographer told me I should bleed as endometria is really thick, dr gave me progestrone which i m scared of as last time when i took progestrone i gained 10 kgs and didn't loose it.
Please reply asap so that i can prepare it
Thanku for your reply.........i have started doing the kapalabhati pranayam, hope i will get my periods soon.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of nuts and grains are useful and i'm 127lbs and my height is 5.2, i gained 12 lbs after marriage, so what do you think and suggest.
There are certain conditions that can contribute to the changes in menstruation and flow. You should be checked for any of those. However, feel blessed as many of us suffer from very heavy, almost intolerable periods. Throughout your bodies developmental stages, it is more common to have changes in blood flow during those times. It sounds like now, your body is regulated and therefore evening out. This is a good thing. Just be aware that conditions such as Endometriosis can cause loss of menstruation as well as just the opposite (very heavy bleeding). Your period/blood flow is a direct reflection of the hormones that your body is producing. You may just be one of those people that are not producing as much. The bottom line is that you know your body better than anyone else. Pay attention to the symptoms. If your period ceases altogether, that is definitely reason for concern. At this point, it sounds as if your body is doing as it should.
ReplyDeleteStress can be a major factor to missing periods
ReplyDeletehey thank you so much,,i m 22 years old unmarried girl,,my period is delayed from 3 months,,i just found this site,,and it is so useful,,for me the solution of aloevera worked perfectly within 3 days,,,,i just took 2 inches of aloevera piece and i removed its gel,,i took that with water,,once in the morning and once in the evening,,and friends it really worked,, i brought aloe juice also,,but it was so terrible in taste,,so its better to take real aloevera from plants.Thank you so much.
ReplyDeleteis grape juice helpful ? its been 5days and i missed me periods and i did home pregnancy test it was negative and iam sooooooo stressed i want my periods and it never happened before. I was in grade 11 i believe when i misse dmy periods. Is chewing Vitamic C helpful ?
ReplyDeleteIam gona drink grape juice regularly . Please advice
Grape juice is helpful for regularizing periods and for this remedy to be effective you have to do it over a period of time. I don't know if chewing vitamin C helps. From what you have written, it looks to me that don't have irregular periods; it's just that your period has been delayed only this time and frankly speaking, 5 days isn't a very long time; some even have periods after 40-45 days. Maybe you are just stressed, why don't you wait for a few more days and then consult a doctor? Don't worry unnecessarily, you might have your period soon and in the meantime, if you are absolutely certain that you are not pregnant, please start doing Kapalabhati Pranayam regularly; it really helps.
ReplyDeleteThankyou, I got grape fruit juice today and started drinking it. As i was stressed i went to the doc today and she did a urine test and It was NEGATIVE, but she asked me to do blood test for harmone changes. Iam just over thinking it, thanku for the advice it really made me felt good. :)
ReplyDeleteI m having irregular periods since long n hv started taking forever living products since 6-7 months...i was having regular periods then by taking these products but now its been almost 2 months n again my cycle is irregular...wat to do...??
ReplyDeleteAnonymous comment 33: Glad to know that my suggestion made you feel good. Hope you are not suffering from any hormonal imbalance and do seriously think of doing Kapalabhati Pranayam.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous comment 34: I have no idea about these products, so can't say anything. Why don't you start doing kapalabhati pranayam regularly? Also drink pure aloe juice if it's available.
Actually my harmones are imbalanced...i do take aloe juice daily empty stomach...n from today hv started takin carrot juice from today...should i eat carrot or take carrot juice...??Forever living products are aloe vera n honey products only...thanx for the advice...r u some doctor...??If possible will like to speak to u on same...
ReplyDeleteI personally prefer to eat raw carrots but if you like the juice better , it's perfectly fine. I'm not a doctor, but I have found some of these home-remedies very effective, that's why I'm sharing with you all.
ReplyDeleteohh its fine...was just asking...n thanx a lot
ReplyDeleteAnother reason for the period being delayed could be stress. The cause of the stress good or bad can affect our period and when it comes because of being easily excited.
ReplyDeleteperiods to be delayed for a number of reasons
ReplyDeleteProblems with your hormones
Being severely overweight
Changes in diet and exercise regimes
Certain medications
I am 25years old. my periods have been quite regular but having scanty flow. Because i had hurt my self on the left side... i did not have my periods the month i had hurt my self. and then i started having my periods but the flow was some times regular or scanty but the flow was 3-4 days. did Last month I did not get my periods. is it some thing serious. will this affect me in the future if i am getting married. i am a little worried. Please help as to how i can regularise my periods through home remedies and yoga and the diet i should take. Please help.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous comment 41: I received your email and have written to you. Don't keep on worrying about it. Everything will be just fine.
ReplyDeleteGood advice. Thank you,
ReplyDeletei am 25 years old i have not had my period in 5 months what is a remedy that will work i need my period really soon and we are trying for a baby and no period means no baby and also it worrys me not to have one the doc.told me everything was ok and gave me provera but cant take it makes my cheast hurt so can someone plz plz help me
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous (comment no:44), I really can't advise you on the medications you take; please talk to your doctor about the side-effects of the said medicine (provera). Since your period is delayed by more than 5 months, it's better if you undergo a thorough checkup from a competent gynecologist. You can also practise Kapalbhati Pranayam and try some of the above mentioned home-remedies side by side. Kapalabhati, especially is very effective in regularizing the menstrual cycle, so practise it without fail. And stop worrying too much; you will conceive soon. Good luck!
ReplyDeletehi aparna,I hve bought a aloe vera health drink in which there is anthing written abt the remedy for irregular period but for ulcers,bp& internal probl.Is it is the same syrup
ReplyDeleteHi Aparna,My major concern is my scanty periods which lasts for 1 or 2 days and then stops completely.I have been trying to concieve but no sucess so far although i do have 2 kids but want to have more,please suggest a remedy which I can be able to prepare in canada .
@ anonymous- comment #46, Aloevera juice is good for overall health also, so you can use it without any worries. Fresh aloevera juice is the best. But the health drink that you have purchased might also help.
ReplyDelete@ anonymous comment #47, Please consider doing Kapalabhati Pranayam regularly; it really helps. Also get yourself checked for PCOD
hi this is manjula
ReplyDeletei am so impressed about this site. actually i am a hypothyroid person so i am taking my science medicine. i am having big belly also. my periods are badly irregular i want to regularize my periods with home remedies so i bought the aloe vera juice from wallmart.
can you please say me how much i have take like cup or glass, in empty stomach or otherwise can you suggest some other things which i can do at home. i am so anxious to start something to get my periods.
please help me.
You can take a cup of aloe juice. When you get used to the taste, you can take a full glass. Fresh aloe juice is the best and it's nice if it's possible for you to take it on an empty stomach. You should do Kapalabhati Pranayam regularly without fail, if possible even twice a day; it really helps. If it's convenient for you can even do Suryanamaskar, that's also a wonderful way to tone your body; it strengthens your abdominal and pelvic muscles. So very helpful in cases of irregular periods. I hope you know the poses well. I wish your periods become regular soon.
ReplyDeleteHi Aparna,
ReplyDeleteMy name is vinusri I too have irregular period problem since beginning. For the last six month I have been taking Homeopathy treatment and still I have not got my periods yet. But for the last 15 days I have all the symptoms of coming periods but its not coming out. So, can you please advice me which of the above will be useful for getting the periods soon.
Hi Vinusri, As I have mentioned to other commentors, practising Kapalabhati regularly is the best way to regularise your periods. Also if can include Suryanamaskara (Check comment #50) in your exercise routine it would be great. Also get yourself checked from a gynaecologist to see if you have PCOD. He/She can advise you the best. Even if you are taking medications, please don't forget to do the above mentioned exercises and also try some of the home-remedies like drinking aloe juice etc.
ReplyDeletehi i am a 23 years old..i have got blood test done n i am having pcod,my treatments with the doctor for one long year also dint there any natural remedy
ReplyDeletehi aparna
ReplyDeletethanku so much for your reply and i have one more doubt today onwards i have started taking aloevera juice suppose my menstruation started means shall i continue taking aloe juice for those 5 days also.
i am anxiously waiting for my periods.
waiting for your reply.
@anonymous comment #53: Along with your doctor's treatment, keep doing Kapalabhati Pranayam, Suryanamaskar, brisk walking etc. Also if you are overweight, try and reduce some weight. If you have PCOD, yo tend to put on weight, esp. in teh abdominal area. Also you can try drinking aloe-juice regularly. Good luck.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous comment #54: You can continue taking aloe-juice even during those 5 days; there's no harm.
Hi Aparna,
ReplyDeleteThank you for your kind help and I am taking aloe juice from yesterday onwards. How much I have take & How to take out the gel from aloe leaves? Should I take full leaves gel & drink it or How? Kindly help me.
Just squeeze out the gel from the leaves, blend it well. You can add a little sugar for taste, but drinking pure juice is the best. start with half a glass (as you may not like it's taste) and slowly increase it to one glass. Do this twice a day.
ReplyDeletehi aparna
ReplyDeletethis is manjula. after drinking aloevera juice i got my periods successfully. i am so future i will take aloe juice regularly. thanku for this wonderful tip and help i wonot forget your name. can i know where you are living? i am in philadelphia(USA).thanku once again.
hi aparna
ReplyDeletethis is again manjula. i want to take some vitamins or b complex tablets becoz i am 30+ doctor also told me to take so can u suggest me what shall i take and where i can get from. a week before my husband bought from costco kirkland, fish oil omega 3. so can you please suggest me what shall i take?
Hi Manjula, Sorry for the delay in replying. I cannot really advise you anything about taking supplements; you have to consult a doctor/nutritionist for that and besides I stay in India, so have no idea where you can get it in the US. And it's really nice to know that aloe juice worked for you. Along with aloe juice, please do Kapalabhati Pranayama as well. Good Luck!
ReplyDeleteWhere do I get aloe juice from? Is it in the medical shops or in the supermarkets? Please help.
Hi aparna,I had my last period on 29th September...... I'm not pregnent....I took progeseterone pills twice daily for five days....six days have already passed but I didn't get my period...I"m really worried...please tell me what could be the reasons...I'm 37+ married mom of two kids my height is 5ft and wt is 80kgs....please suggest me what should I do so that my peroid get started....
ReplyDelete@ Anonymous comment #61 :You can get aloe juice easily at any supermarket. I have always used fresh aloe from my garden, never purchased aloe juice commercially.
ReplyDelete@ Anonymous comment #62 : Please consult your doctor at the earliest. I can't really say anything about the pills you have taken. If everything's fine with you, then please do kapalabhati pranayam regularly and also try to reduce your weight. Good luck.
i m 21 years old and unmarried indian.suffered 4rm irregular menses all my life(30-43 days).drank upripe papaya juice for last 3 months(did'nt get aloe).the first 2 periods were fine(28 days).but menses havent yet come this month(32 days).m worried sick.will papaya not work for me anymore ?
ReplyDeleteIt's not a hard and fast rule that your menstrual cycle should be exactly of 28 days. For some it is 22, while for others it could vary. Some have a 30, 32 35-40 days cycle and it's considered normal. If you have menses a week before or a week after your expected date it's considered normal; that's what a gynaecologist told me. Why don't you wait for 3-4 days and if you don't get your period, consult your gynaec. Papaya juice should work; do practise Kapalabhati also-- it really helps.
ReplyDeleteHi Aparna,
ReplyDeleteI have been taking fresh aloe juice for the last one week and also taking unripe green papaya but I have not got my periods yet. Please help!
If your period has been delayed by more than 15 days, please consult a gynaec at the earliest. And do kapalabhati regularly.
ReplyDeleteAm 26 years old and unmarried usually i am having 35 days cycle i cant keep the constant date for my periods. This time i dint get my periods i dont know the reason because of this am getting worry. my marriage is fixed hence i think to reduce my weight actually my wt is 73 and ht 162 so i followed diet, only 5 hours sleeping in night and also i used sauna belt to reduce the belly can u tell me this reason may cause irregular periods
Hi raj, please try pranayamas like kapalabhati and yogasanas such as Suryanamaskar instead of using sauna belts. I really doubt if sauna belts can reduce weight. And do sleep well; 5 hours is too less. You may try the above mentioned home-remedies for your irregular periods. Also see a gynecologist at the earliest to check if you have PCOD
ReplyDeleteMy name is moon and I am 33 years old have no children. My periods continuously delayed from last 6 years some time up to 6 months. Every 2 to 3 months I take permolut N tablets. This is lengthy process and I don’t want to continue it any more. I read your recommended remedies and other posted comments. Plz help me so that I can come out this terrible situation. And I want to know the meaning of Kapalabhati Pranayam becouase I don’t understand it. If you can e mail me my id is Where we can communicate with each other
Thanks a lot
Dear moon, Kapalabhati Pranayam is a breathing exercise that exercises abdominal health and the regular practice of which helps maintain good reproductive health. To read more about Kpalabhati Pranayam and how to perform it please click on this link. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteHi Aparna,
ReplyDeletei read all your answers they were very helpful.i stay in philadelphia,my periods are very very irregular,my period starts when i take medicines other wise i don't get my period.for how many months we should continue taking this aloe juice and will it harm baby if we are pregnant.i'll wait for your reply
Hi Sravani, you should also practice kapalabhati pranayam along with aloe-juice remedy to regularize your periods. If you are pregnant and when you have period, you shouldn't do it. As far as I know, aloe juice isn't harmful for the foetus, but you can confirm it with an ayurvedic doctor.
ReplyDeleteAlso the weight loss is defiantly a factor of a delayed or missed period. And also stress (u worrying too much about this) is a cause also.
ReplyDeleteThe only solution for this is to stop worrying
massage the area just below your ankle bones. It is an acupuncture point and it can help stimulate a late period.
ReplyDeleteMany things can influence your cycle. Any stress will alter your body. Stress can come from illness, choice of foods, family issues, job stress or even the weather. It is also known that women in close proximity to one another will "synchronize". If you recently started working or living with other women then you could be adjusting to their cycle.
ReplyDeleteSoy products have estrogen in them. Grapefruit and it's juice tends to hinder the body's use of estrogen. Just examples. There are some herbal teas that might help. I don't know the names. A store clerk could probably point you in the right direction.Try not to worry about it. It's not necessarily a bad thing. If you continue to miss your period, then talk with your doctor.
Its normal for your periods too be delayed for a number of reasons including ,
ReplyDeleteProblems with your hormones
Being severely overweight
Changes in diet and excercise regiemes
Certain medications
This is from an imbalance of hormones.Read about hormones and your menstrual cycle. There are many causes for your symptoms. Most aren't terrible or life threatening at all, but if it continues, please get checked to make sure it's not a cyst on your ovary or something like that. Stress, diet so many things can through your cycle off. You need to learn how to keep yourself "normal" for you.
ReplyDeletethankyou soo much for sharing this wonderful knowledge!! just wanted to ask do these remedies help in PCOS?? Waiting 4 ur reply...
ReplyDeleteSure, it helps a lot, but PCOS cannot be cured by these remedies. However, regular practice of yoga and pranayama (Kapalabhati, particularly) is extremely good for your reproductive organs and provides much relief for those with PCOS.
ReplyDeleteMany things can influence your cycle. Any stress will alter your body. Stress can come from illness, choice of foods, family issues, job stress or even the weather. It is also known that women in close proximity to one another will "synchronize". If you recently started working or living with other women then you could be adjusting to their cycle.
ReplyDeleteSoy products have estrogen in them. Grapefruit and it's juice tends to hinder the body's use of estrogen. Just examples. There are some herbal teas that might help. I don't know the names. A store clerk could probably point you in the right direction.
Try not to worry about it. It's not necessarily a bad thing. If you continue to miss your period, then talk with your doctor.
Massage the area just below your ankle bones. It is an acupuncture point and it can help stimulate a late period.
ReplyDeleteSaffron is useful in promoting and regulating menstrual periods
ReplyDeletehi this site is soooo useful.i wish i get my answer..i am 32 i get my periods regularly one week early but they are getting scanty, may be for 2 days added with drops for further 2 3 days.i tried homeopathy and yoga too but cure is noe permanent.during my periods and sometimes after i get depressed and a strange kind of stiffness in my body specially around vaginal area,in my joints too.too much tiredness,my face becomes thin ,however i am very active kind of person and when i have good long period this condition is weight is 56 height is 4ft 11 inch,in all around my periods i become a different person physically very stresses and emotionally lost.not exactly pain in body but stiffness in veins,deep inside as if something is pulling.plz comment
ReplyDeleteVery good post, thanks!
ReplyDeleteMassage the area just below your ankle bones. It is an acupuncture point and it can help stimulate a late period.
ReplyDeleteMany things can influence your cycle. Any stress will alter your body. Stress can come from illness, choice of foods, family issues, job stress or even the weather. It is also known that women in close proximity to one another will "synchronize". If you recently started working or living with other women then you could be adjusting to their cycle.Soy products have estrogen in them. Grapefruit and it's juice tends to hinder the body's use of estrogen. Just examples. There are some herbal teas that might help. I don't know the names. A store clerk could probably point you in the right direction.Try not to worry about it. It's not necessarily a bad thing. If you continue to miss your period, then talk with your doctor.
ReplyDeletehi i am priya 23 years married. i have got periods on my 40th(today) day.was really scared. i checked with gyno and was informed that pregnancy test as negative. ashe has given me iorn tablet and my told to reduce weight since i am 65 kg.This is my first time with irruegular periods.i got married 1.25 years before. i didnt take any medicine to prevent pregnancy.since we had sp\ome commitments we are trying now for 4 monthns.i am wanting for a baby.i am really vexed on this period.
ReplyDeleteplease let me what all should i take to reduce weight,irreuglar periods and to get the baby soon.
apologise fpr the big post.
please help me.
Hi Priya, if this is the first time that you had a late period, I suggest you wait and see if the next 2 periods are also irregular. If so,get yourself thoroughly checked by your gynaec for PCOD, thyroid or any other problem as you have not yet conceived even after 1.25 years. Frankly speaking, you shouldn't really worry much as sometimes it takes time to conceive even if everything's alright and besides you are just 23. For reducing weight, you can do brisk walking, skipping and yoga. Kapalabhati pranayam is excellent to regularize periods but don't do it during your periods or if you have a suspicion that you are pregnant. Also read this article, if you are interested in yoga poses for fertility and conception. Do let us know of your progress. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteHi Aparna,u hav put up with wonderful site.Im also the target of delayed periods like the abov women.Im 24yrs old,married 4yrs back n Im still barren.When i was 22 my peroids started becoming abnormal as i had been abroad.So for now 6 months i had taken asokarishtam,periods wer normal after 6thmonth even after consuming it i got my periods after 2 months 10 days later.As Im alone daughter in law i need to fulfil mine n my inlaws desire of havin baby.Please suggest on this
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for this post.. Aloe juice and cumin sesame decoction with jaggery helped me with getting my delayed period. This post has been very helpful.
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous comment no: 90, since you haven't yet conceived after 4 years and you have a problem of delayed periods, it's better if you consult a gynaec. Also do Kapalabhati and other exercises regularly. Read comment #89.Your husband too should take a semen analysis test. Hope everything works fine for you. Do inform me.
ReplyDeleteStress or illness can make a period late. Also it is not unusual to occasionally skip a period.
ReplyDeleteSometimes after discontinuing chemical contraception's, the body needs to readjust until it comes to a regular rhythmic cycle on a monthly basis. It may take months for that adjustment. You are correct in the other reasons that you mentioned for missed periods. If it continues your friend should consult a gynecologist. Sometimes if the uterine wall has too much of a build up due to lack of menstruation, a scraping may be necessary, (called a D&C). Only a doctor can make that call.
ReplyDeleteStress, bad diet, but most importantly, you really should seek some advice, if you cant face a male GP, there alternatives, the nurses will start the ball rolling, go have a chat, you KNOW this makes sense, you are probably worrying about nothing, fearing nothing, but a simple remedy.
ReplyDeleteDelayed menstruation can also be caused when you make certain changes in your daily routine. This can involve heavy exercise or adopting a diet plan. You should give some time to your body to adapt to these changes instead of going for medication in the initial stage. All you need is patience.
ReplyDeleteDelayed Menstruation can be caused by :stress,illness, travel,excessive exercise, change in body weight, lack of rest, depression, poor diet etc.
ReplyDeleteWhile parsley is considered an effective herb to stimulate menstruation. other herbs that can stimulate menstruation or end pregnancy are known as "emmenagogue" herbs.Some other useful and mild herbs that cannot harm, even if your are pregnant are : ginger, sage and rosemary.
Pls. tel how can we bring down the FSH level to normal range?
ReplyDelete@Anonymous comment 99: Please consult your doctor regarding this and other infertility issues. Also read this
ReplyDeletegreat article very best information thank you.
ReplyDeleteI am not getting my periods.i last had it in month of April i.e.14th April...expecting same same for this month.But this month i don't had...
Also i was staying in pune from last 2 year and didn't face this problem..On 2nd may i shifted back to my place i.e. Delhi.
I thought my periods must got delayed due to change of location and food..but its almost a month now...
Please tell me where should i get this aloe syrup.
I am really worried.
Please help me....
Hello Aparna,
ReplyDeleteMy periods are so irregular that i get it almost in alternative months and sometimes once in 2 months..So please please please help me..
@ritu (comment #101):If homeremedies didn' work for you, please consult your doctor. You can get Aloe syrup/juice at any Ayurvedic pharmacy or Ramdev Baba's pharmacy. It's even better if you take fresh aloe juice, that is, if you have aloe plants at home.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous comment #102: Please see your doctor at the earliest. If you sure that you are not pregnant then start doing Kapalabhati regularly.
ReplyDeleteI have this irregular period problem. Am really ompressed by these suggestions. Kindly let me know the complete process for making the aloe sugar syrup as i have an aloe plant at home.Does one needs to make a paste of the aloe leaves and then extract the juice out of it or how. please help at the earliest.
thanks a million,
hey...still awaiting the process, you may also email me at
ReplyDeleteThanks a million!!!
Hi Priyanka, sorry for the delay in responding. If you have an aloe plant, then it's best to consume raw juice. Just take a few aloe leaves, slit them open and scoop out the gel. Blend it well, dilute with water if necessary and have it. If you want, you can add sugar to taste, but it's best to consume raw juice. If you want to preserve aloe-gel for a long time, say a month or so you can prepare aloe-gel syrup. Aloe-sugar Syrup recipe: After extracting the aloe gel from the leaves, add almost the same quantity of sugar (or a little less than that) to it and boil this mixture over a low flame stirring constantly. When the water evaporates, remove from heat and keep aside.When it cools store it in any container for everyday use.
ReplyDeleteTo regulate menstruation. Drink the infusion of 30g of seeds per liter of water.
ReplyDeleteTake a homeopathic remedy called sepia 30, 5 pills, once at bedtime daily, for 15 days. Then wait for another 30 days. If the menses are still irregular, begin with another homeopathic remedy called Sepia 200 single dose once at bedtime every 4th day. Take 5 doses.
ReplyDeleteDrinking the juice of bitter gourd or a concoction prepared with the roots of the plant is beneficial for restoring the regular cycle of periods. You can also drink a mixture prepared with cumin seeds, sesame seeds and honey to start your period if you have missed them. Fennel seeds consumed with a glass of water are recommended to restore the regular cycles of the period. Similarly the seeds or leaves of coriander or cilantro can be used to prepare an effective decoction to treat the problem of skipped or irregular periods. You can also grind 1 tsp of radish seeds with water and mix it in 1 cup of buttermilk and drink this daily. Daily consumption of grape juice is said to be beneficial in treating irregular periods. If your period has been delayed, you can have some green unripe papaya or the juice of Aloe Vera plant with some sugar to start the bleeding.
ReplyDeleteTake the head at right angles on the ground level itself with the chin at rest on the ground. Now start breathing in and out very slowly and deeply for 10-15 minutes. This has to be done on very empty stomach in the morning or evening (5 hours after any meal).
ReplyDeleteI am 50 years old, I have high blood pressure and got the period on 14th June, I wedding to attend on 18th July, want to either get my period earlier or to delay after 20th July, suggestions or any remedies.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous comment #111, Home-remedies, pranayama and yogasanas recommended here are for regularizing periods and not meant for emergency situations where you want quick results. If you want to postpone or prepone your periods, visit a gynecologist, he/she will give you pills for that.
ReplyDeleteIts normal for your periods too be delayed for a number of reasons including ,
ReplyDeleteProblems with your hormones
Being severely overweight
Changes in diet and exercise regimes
Certain medications
Can sleep cause a delayed period?
ReplyDeletedo you get enough quality time for yourself. Again a chronically exhausted and stressed body will not be regular.
ReplyDeleteSexual activity does seem to affect the menstrual cycle, probably due to hormones released during lovemaking.It may also be due to underlying factors - unconscious or conscious anxiety about pregnancy, change in status, trust issues, and the impact of sex and the changes it causes in our intimate relationships.
ReplyDeleteExcessive use of drugs can and does affect the menstrual cycle, they affect the physiology or biology or the body and also affect your emotional and mental health.
ReplyDeleteHello i am chaya, can anyone suggest me how to reduce weight due to irregular periods. I have a thyroid problem and due to delayed periods i put on weight in lower part of my body. i checked out this site today and i am going to try out yoga and aloe juice. i got recently married and i am not pregnant. i follow the normal diet still i have put on almost 6 KG in past 5 month.
ReplyDeleteFor your thyroid problem, get yourself treated by a good doctor, only then you may be able to get pregnant. In hyperthyroidism, it's quite common to experience irregular periods and a lighter menstrual flow. Read more about it here. Along with your doctor's treatment, do regular exercise yoga and pranayama and hopefully your weight should reduce.Also keep a watch on your diet, don't eat too much of fried food, junk food or sweets. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteHey hello.. I am veena and i have not got periods from 2 months this has happened to me for the 1st time i went to the doc and i was asked to take provera and my doc also said that i have thyroid problem for that i am taking levothyroxin which i am supposed to take on empty stomach.. I wuld like it if u wuld suggest me something to.. And about the alovera juice i wanted to know when shuld i take it coz i have to take the medicine on empty stomach too. So please tell me something. Help me
ReplyDeleteHi Veena, you can take a small cup of aloe juice along with your breakfast in the morning and another cup at night after your dinner.
ReplyDeleteThank you Aparna I will surely try it and let you know the results again Thanks for replying to the query so soon. It will help me in getting my periods right coz i am tried of taking medicines :(..
ReplyDeleteI am Jyoti this site.i am 23 years girl.last apr 2010 months my periods are not coming before this my periods have low flow or missed.i consult with doctor.she taken all test she said it is stress she given me some medicine but when the medicine are finished the same prob i am facing again.i am very worried.Plz help...........really i need your help.plz reply.
Jyoti Gupta
If your periods are getting delayed or if you have scanty flow, please get yourself checked for PCOS? Also do you have unwanted stray hairs growing on your chin, upper lip or chest? If yes, then you may be having polycystic ovaries. You will have to take a pelvic ultrasound scan for that; and the doctor will be able to tell you whether you have a problem or PCOS. If everything's alright, and your periods are getting delayed due to stress, then try and be happy. Do yoga, pranayama and meditation and try not to worry too much. Also practise Kapalabhati Pranayam, to regularly to regularise your periods along with aloe juice therapy and other home-remedies.
ReplyDeleteAre you experiencing an unusual amount of stress in your life? Emotional stress is another possible cause of absence of menstruation. Eliminating the stress usually will cause menstruation to resume.Also Do you eat a healthy, well-balanced diet? This occurs often in women with eating disorders such as anorexia or remember always relax yourself and eat balanced
ReplyDeleteSometimes changes in your life can cause your period to be late. I wouldn't worry much about it, you might just be irregular. However, I would go see a doctor just in case its something else.
ReplyDeleteI would not get my period ever month, but every 5-6 months I would get my period. My theory of it is just that just a bit over weight I'm not getting enough B vitamins, Multivitamins and minerals, and antioxidants. I am sexually active, I take a test and the result turns out negative so I'm not pregnant.
ReplyDeleteAppropriate changes in diet and exercise to achieve a healthy weight. Maintaining a healthy weight. Avoiding recreational drug use, excessive alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking.To maintain healthy balance in work, recreation and rest.Assessing areas of stress or conflicts of life.
ReplyDeleteTreatment depends on the cause. Hormone replacement therapy.
ReplyDeleteIf the periods are delayed or irregular for more than 3 cycle, then a medical examination and investigation is definitely called for.
ReplyDeleteExcessive exercise, severe dieting, especially crash dieting, eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia, severe illness, or sickness for an extended period of time can cause anovulation
ReplyDeletehow much unripe papaya i have to eat to get periods.. yesterday I drank 1 big full glass juice of unripe papaya.. but still did not get the periods.. after eating when i get the periods..?
ReplyDelete@anonymous comment #132:That's more than enough; don't consume more than that. Home-remedies take time to work; so you can't possibly predict when you will get your period. I hope you are doing Kapalabhati and other exercises too. If your period has been abnormally delayed, then better consult a doctor.
ReplyDeleteI have pcod from few years now.i tried medication from several drs. Even tried ayurveda for sum time.Most of the drs prescribe hormone pills(contraceptive pills) due to which i used to get my periods.I got married recently n the dr suggested me to stop using the pills . After i stoped using the pill i havent got my periods yet. And I am sure that I am not pregnant.I am away from India and hence cant meet my gynaecologist.Is it safe for me to try the home remedies mentioned in this site since i have pcod?. Can you suggest the kind of diet plan /fud i should follow. I am 5ft -4 inches and my weight is 60 kgs.Thanks in advance
@anonymous comment #134: The home-remedies mentioned here are quite safe. Additionally, you should incorporate yoga and exercise in your daily regimen. As mentioned in the article, you should do Kapalabhati regularly. Also if you are comfortable with yogasanas, do Suryanamaskar, shalabhasana, bhujangasana, pavanamuktasana etc. You can also go for brisk walks everyday. Try and avoid refined food, junk food, oily and greasy food and aerated drinks and have more of fruits and vegetables. Good luck.
ReplyDeletehi aparna im a 19 year old girl i visited ur site. actually i also didnt got my periods they r 2 weeks late n im really worried. coz improper periods cause pain also. i hav taken the pregenancy test n its negative but stil didnt got my periods . wat to do
ReplyDeleteplz rply me soon
ReplyDelete@anonymous comment 136, 137: If your periods have been delayed by more than 2 weeks, please consult a doctor at the earliest. In the meantime, drink aloe juice or pineapple juice, eat papaya and do Kapalabhati pranayam also. If this is not the first time that your period has been delayed, I guess you might have pcod, better get yourself thoroughly checked by a doctor. Good luck!
ReplyDeletehello Aparna, i'm Prathana here, i have been diagnoised of PCOS and i'm 27year old trying to concieve... my periods are very irregular, takes up to 3 months sometimes. im taking homeopathic tablets but still it hasnt been regular. can you tell me some remedies..does grape fruit help juice and carrot juice help? tats something which i can get easily... aloevera is difficlt. i want to get my periods asap
ReplyDeleteHi Prathana, you can try papaya juice if it's available. Carrot juice and grapefruit juice are good, but not as effective as aloe juice. If fresh aloe juice is not available, I'm sure you can buy it from any Ayurvedic store. Also do kapalabhati pranayam and yogasanas regularly, that will help you a lot to regularize your periods. Also refer to comment #135. I hope and pray that your period problem gets solved and you conceive soon. Good luck!
ReplyDeletei m 30 years old, i stay at uae, and i have same problem that i have miss my periods since last 5 months and dnt know what to do, and one more question where can i get this aloe juice here, pls explain, of if from india what should i tell my brother i mean name if u have so that he can send it with somebody.
my name is lamiya and u can reply me back on if possible, thanks a lot...
Hi Lamiya, if you have missed your periods since 5 months, please consult a doctor at the earliest. He/She should be able to advise you better. I think you should get aloe juice in UAE; just make enquiries. You can get Aloevera juice in any Ayurvedic pharmacy in India. The name 'aloevera' is quite familiar, so it's not neccesary to mention it in 'Hindi' or in any other local language.
ReplyDeletei have not got periods from past 3 months..
i have put on lots of weight.. i was 70 three mopnths back now its 80. 10 kilo has been increased. my husband is really upset because of this.i have really become physically weak. please tell me the course of action i need to take.
Hi anonymous (comment #143): Please get yourself checked by a gynecologist immediately to rule out PCOD or thyroid problems. Also please exercise regularly, go for brisk walks, do yoga and Pranayama, especially Kapalabhati (if you are not pregnant), eat sensibly, avoid fried, refined and junk food completely. Good luck
ReplyDeleteMassage the area just below your ankle bones. It is an acupuncture point and it can help stimulate a late period.
ReplyDeleteMany things can influence your cycle. Any stress will alter your body. Stress can come from illness, choice of foods, family issues, job stress or even the weather. It is also known that women in close proximity to one another will "synchronize". If you recently started working or living with other women then you could be adjusting to their cycle.
ReplyDeleteSoy products have estrogen in them. Grapefruit and it's juice tends to hinder the body's use of estrogen. Just examples. There are some herbal teas that might help. I don't know the names. A store clerk could probably point you in the right direction.
Try not to worry about it. It's not necessarily a bad thing. If you continue to miss your period, then talk with your doctor.
you should take ASHOKARISTH AND KUMARIASAVA twice daily after meal with doesn't require any medical supervision. its ayurvedic and has no side effects.i advice you to immediately start taking it without any delay...
ReplyDeletedirections for use:
Take a small tea cup and mix the two in equal quantity with a little amount of water
Stir it and drink...
Maintaining a healthy weight is the very best thing you can do for your reproductive health. If you are overweight, work on losing the excess weight. If you are underweight, then work on getting yourself back up to a healthy weight.
ReplyDeleteOn top of that a healthy balanced diet will go a long way too, as well as getting regular exercise.
You don't mention how irregular you are - for some women being within a few days (e.g. instead of being 28 days exactly it may be 27 days one month then 30 days the next) is regular enough - some women are just not perfectly regular and that's normal for them (and also perfectly healthy, and will not interfere with conception when you're ready to start a family).
If you're more than a few days off - like skipping whole months or being off by a week or more, then I would encourage you to talk it over with your doctor to rule out anything which may interfere with your fertility when you're ready to try to conceive (it's much better to look after it now than to wait until you decide to get pregnant only to find it may take months to resolve the underlying problem)
I m taking my pill tablet but still I m scared of being pregnant... is there remedies to avoid pregnancy..
ReplyDeleteSorry, I don't know of any remedies to avoid pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteI m drinking 1 big glass of unripe papaya juice and also having aloe syrup from 3 days... but still i did not get my periods.. what I do..??
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous comment #151: Please consult a doctor if home-remedies are not working for you. Lead an active life; don't give up on exercise and Pranayama.
ReplyDeleteCauses of Delayed Periods--breastfeeding pregnancy,Constitutional / Normal delay,Hormonal Cause,Causes in the Ovary and
ReplyDeleteEmotional Causes.
Regular practicing of yoga helps to cure the problem of delayed menstrual period. However, you need to contact a good yoga trainer for the relevant advice.
ReplyDeleteI haven’t had my period close to 4 months now and and I’m not pregnant what could be causing this and/or what should I do?
ReplyDeletePlease consult a doctor at the earliest.
ReplyDeleteI had my periods due on 9th of august 2010, but i haven,t had them till now. i am 22 years old virgin. recently i have started a job which keeps me occupied for 9-10 hours daily. i am very tensed because my periods aren't starting. please help me out.
ReplyDeleteHi Xarina, if this the first time that you missed a period, then I guess it could have been due to the fact that you get very little exercise and have to sit for long periods. It could have been due to work tension. Just wait for a couple of days more and then consult a doctor. If this is not the first time, then also you should get a thorough checkup done to ensure that you don't have PCOD, thyroid problem or any other hormonal imbalance. As you have to sit glued to the chair in your office, I suggest you make it a point to get up after every half an hour or so and move around a bit. Sitting for long periods can cause host of health problems. Read this and this. Also refer to comment #135. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteHi this is maayaa
ReplyDeleteI am 32yrs old, After my 2 abortions I started tablet femelon, now I am taking this tablet from last 4 years, but from last 7 to 8 months i am facing the problem of scanty periods it happens for 15 -30 minutes only, not even a day, I want baby now, Please help me out, I am very stressed
Hi maayaa, I can't give you any medical advice; please consult your doctor regarding your problem. I did a quick search on the net for the tablet Femilon, and came to know that it is a birth-control pill/contraceptive. How do you expect to get pregnant when you are taking this pill? (Read this.) Please talk to your doctor at the earliest.
ReplyDeletehi aparna can u suggest the remedy for those who are not having periods for more than three months
ReplyDelete@ anonymous (comment #161): If your periods have been delayed by 3 months, it's high time you consult a doctor and please do it at the earliest.
ReplyDeletehi aparna m sumi frm pakistan i saw this page n my problem is qutie relevent to this my problm is same like others i dont have periods regularly some times 1 months delayed n its bit scanty i have some hair in my chin n chest m giong to marrired soon plz plz do help. regards
ReplyDeleteHi sumi, from the symptoms that you have mentioned, it looks like you have PCOD/PCOS. Please go to a gynaecologist and as I had mentioned in an earlier comment (comment 121), she/he will do a pelvic ultrasonic scan to ascertain that. If you are overweight, you should try and lose some weight. Read this post. Don't eat too much of fried and junk food. Exercise regularly, do Kapalabhati Pranayam. If you know a few yoga exercises like Suryanamskar, do that or else you can even try brisk walking. That will help you a lot to alleviate your condition. You can get married and with proper medication you can concieve also. So don't worry about that. As for unwanted hair, try removing it by shaving or tweezing. For permanent hair removal you have to go for Laser; talk to your doctor about this. Good luck
ReplyDeleteStress affects, above all else, the stomach. Ginger has long been used to calm the stomach and it may be through its effect on the stomach nerves that the whole system is relaxed. It has certainly helped many people with delayed or painful periods. Another excellent herb is parsley, which is probably best taken as a tea, which you can brew yourself and drink a few cups in a day. Just put a handful in boiled water and leave it there for half an hour, then strain and drink. Sage and rosemary infusions made similarly have also been found helpful.
ReplyDeleteMy periods have started getting irregular. what could be the underlying problem? And what do you guys recommend?
ReplyDeleteHi Karen, Many things can influence your cycle. Any stress will alter your body. Stress can come from illness, choice of foods, family issues, job stress or even the weather. It is also known that women in close proximity to one another will "synchronize". If you recently started working or living with other women then you could be adjusting to their cycle. Soy products have estrogen in them. Grapefruit and it's juice tends to hinder the body's use of estrogen. Just examples. There are some herbal teas that might help. I don't know the names. A store clerk could probably point you in the right direction.
ReplyDeleteTry not to worry about it. It's not necessarily a bad thing. If you continue to miss your period, then talk with your doctor.
@Karen: Maintaining a healthy weight is the very best thing you can do for your reproductive health. If you are overweight, work on losing the excess weight. If you are underweight, then work on getting yourself back up to a healthy weight.
ReplyDeleteOn top of that a healthy balanced diet will go a long way too, as well as getting regular exercise.
You don't mention how irregular you are - for some women being within a few days (e.g. instead of being 28 days exactly it may be 27 days one month then 30 days the next) is regular enough - some women are just not perfectly regular and that's normal for them (and also perfectly healthy, and will not interfere with conception when you're ready to start a family).
If you're more than a few days off - like skipping whole months or being off by a week or more, then I would encourage you to talk it over with your doctor to rule out anything which may interfere with your fertility when you're ready to try to conceive (it's much better to look after it now than to wait until you decide to get pregnant only to find it may take months to resolve the underlying problem)
m sumi . thanku so much for ur advice i ,ll go to my doctor after marriage n if i would have pcos what could i do can i be pregnent ever
ReplyDeleten plz aparna if u have ur yahoo id so plz mention here so that i can join u . thx
ReplyDelete@sumi (comment #169): Sure you can get pregnant. Just consult a good doctor and under suitable medication you could conceive.
ReplyDeleteHello Aparna
ReplyDeletecan u please explain kapalapathy in ur comment...i m continuesly findng an error while opening tht link above u mentioned
cares nd blessings for yew :)
@ Anon comment #172: Try this link for Kapalabhati Pranayam
ReplyDeleteDiet - is very important. If you eat lots of fast foods you are not giving your body the nourishment it needs. If you eat sporadically, miss meals and diet constantly - you essentially send your body into survival mode. Your body thinks it is starving and shuts down unnecessary systems. A body that thinks it is starving will not cycle regularly - having a cycle that is healthy enough to support new life is secondary.
ReplyDeleteA chronically exhausted and stressed body will not be regular.
ReplyDeleteCauses can be stress, anorexia, physical or emotional shock, and disorders of the ovaries. Herbs that bring on menstrual flow when there is delayed menstruation --for whatever reason--are known as emmenagogues.
ReplyDeleteAngelica stimulates delayed menstruation, breaking up stagnation in the reproductive system. Blue Cohosh is a powerful emmenagogue is considered to be one of the best uterine stimulants and herbs to bring on menstruation.
Stinging nettle leaf infusion has reportedly returned the monthly flow to women drinking it regularly, even in their sixties. Dong quai tincture, especially when combined with white peony root and licorice, is a superb remedy for women whose menses cease unaccountably.
it is well known that menstrual irregularity, like short and long cycles, too little or too much bleeding, spotting, pain etc. can stem from poor nutritional absorption ie, Vit B6, magnesium, EFA's, which in turn upsets the body's delicate hormonal system. As Maca is a whole food organically grown it retains maximum nutritional value, unlike many of the foods on the supermarket or green grocers shelf.
ReplyDeleteI find the Maca powder good. I have PCOS and I have a period this term. The maca powder seamed t slow the bleeding so it is not so heavy but I really want it to stop...thank you
ReplyDeletePCOS is most common reason for irregular and painful periods. I recommend you to take Regunova Plus and Gynol Syrup to cure PCOS and associated problems naturally. Take medicines regularly for almost three four months to get the satisfactory results.
ReplyDeleteSleeping after meals doubles gas and acidity that increases burning and sour sensation.
ReplyDeleteDrink hot water after meals for easy digestion, it is also good for weight reduction.
Include ginger, mint leaves and garlic in your daily food. These are good for easy gas and acidity.
@Anonymous (comment #181): Periods can't be delayed by having phone sex. Please consult your doctor to rule out PCOD, thyroid or any other problem. And what do you mean by ova coming out. Probably you meant this.
ReplyDeleteDelayed Period Causes-Stress,Weight,Medication,
ReplyDeleteChange in Work Schedule,Calculation Error,Menopause and Pregnancy.
missed or a delayed period normally is not a very serious issue and in most cases, can be sorted out by lifestyle changes comprising diet, exercise and mental relaxation. In a few cases, hormonal supplements or hormone replacement therapy may be required to induce menstruation. At the end, the solution to the problem of delayed period depends on the cause.
Most women experience menstrual cramps or irregular periods at some time in their lives. Tissue Salts are a natural remedy that restore balance and alleviate symptoms.
ReplyDeleteIf stress or unhappiness is also part of the problem, Nat. Mur. will help. Take 2 tablets five times a day until the mood lifts. Speak to a doctor if there is spotting or bleeding between periods.
ReplyDeleteGreat post…interesting comments too
ReplyDeleteI period got delayed i ate raw papaya and finally my period started but 15 days passed it has not stopped help
ReplyDelete@Anonymous comment #187: Please consult a doctor at the earliest.
ReplyDeletemy periods had been irregular right from beginning therefore i had been taking medicines. at present i have stopped taking medicines my period due at 25 july didnt get it so i chose to have boiled papaya and got my periods on 26 sep but it was less than normal/scanty but it has not stopped till now. i am 20 yrs old please help
ReplyDelete@Anonymous comment #189: Please go to your doctor now and discuss your problem. Also refer to comment no:52. Get yourself throughly checked by a gynecologist to rule out PCOD and other problems. Do Kapalabhati Pranayam and other yoga exercises and if you are overweight, try to reduce your weight. Good luck!
ReplyDeletehi aparna,
ReplyDeleteiam sravani..i used aloe vera juice for irregular periods it worked for me...I have one more question ,will this aloe vera juice helps in ovulation?i will wait for your reply!
Hi sravani, glad to know that aloe juice worked for you. But I don't think it will induce ovulation. In fact if you become pregnant you should avoid aloe juice, pineapple and papaya.
ReplyDeletehi aparna, what are the home remedies to induce ovulation.
ReplyDelete@comment #193: Have to talked to your doctor and do yoiu have pcod or thyroid problems. If yes, please get yourself treated for that. Yoga exercises help a lot to improve fertility rates. Try Suryanamaskara, bhujangasana, Tadasana, Uttanapadasana etc. Will do a post on that soon.
ReplyDeletei m 23 yrs unmarried girl.i had normal period almost 28-33 days.i got my last periods on 3 sept 2010 and i was waiting for my next period but i did n't get my period till almost 20-25 days delayed i am so tensed about that.i have eaten papaya 2 days back.....tell me the suggestion wat is happening and i want to come my period on time because i am having exam with in 1 month......?
ReplyDelete@Anonymous comment #195: If your period is delayed by so many days, it's better if you consult a doctor. If you had regular periods all these years, probably the exam tension & stress that you are experiencing now is causing your period to get delayed. Anyways your doctor is the best person to guide you. In the meantime, you could try Kapalabhati, drink aloe juice, pineapple juice etc. Also do Anulom vilom & Bhramari Pranayam to relieve stress. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteHi aparna, my name is amanda. And i have had irregular periods also.I was going to try the unripened papaya and aloe juice remedy how much unripened papaya should I eat? and should I eat this once a day, everyday?
ReplyDeleteHi Amanda, eat 1 cup full of papaya pieces once in a day. If you find it difficult to eat unripened papaya, take it in juice form. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteThis is amanda,Thank you so much! Aparna. you have been so helpful!
ReplyDeleteYou are most welcome Amanda!
ReplyDeletehi i'm 15 and having delayed periods for more than a month what shall i do