Turmeric May Protect Your Eyesight

We are all familiar with the golden yellow spice called turmeric ( haldi ), which is  used in everyday cooking by almost all families in I...

Bad Mood Can Make You Productive?

We all have have been bombarded with advice such as "Think positive", Banish negative thoughts", "Always try to be in a...

Honey - effective remedy for coughs

Instead of reaching out for that cough syrup when your child is suffering from an incessant, nagging cough that worsens at night, you migh...

Improper Sleep Duration Makes You Fat

If you have a tendency to put on weight, better keep a watch on your sleeping hours. A Canadian study has found that too much or too littl...

Nose hairs dangling out? Trim them with nose hair trimmers

You all must be familiar with this particular  situation! You see an impeccably dressed and otherwise well-groomed person – could even be o...

Beauty Product Efficacy Ratings: Where Do They Come From?

In the world of beauty, there are countless products. Many are natural beauty aids from leaves , flowers, mud and more that have proven to ...

Summer Jackets: Your Lightweight Layer on Cool Nights

The warmer months of the year aren’t just about crop tops and cut off jean shorts, summer jackets are an important staple too. While hot we...

Health Benefits Of Chewing Gum

Chewing gum is perhaps one of the oldest candies in the world. There is some evidence of pre-historic people chewing clumps of tree resin o...