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Showing posts from July, 2011

Fight Stress With Leisure

In the growing pace or modern life, most of us either do not have time or do not understand the meaning and importance of leisure. We are always running against time. Routine jobs and errands leave us with no time for any activity that gives us pleasure. Leisure is a luxury which was enjoyed by the erstwhile rich folk of yesteryears. The pace of life has significantly increased in recent years, causing a new kind of strain on many of us, whose work involves heavy responsibility, tight deadlines, long hours, complex work or decision-making. In order to combat these draining effects on life, one has to make time to pursue positive leisure activities. Most people in executive positions thrive on the stimulus of pressure, but beyond a certain level, pressure can become a cause for concern. the long hours or work can become a burden and the level of fatigue goes up. To offset the ill-effects of these phenomenon one has to find time for enjoyment. Some people find it difficult to ...

Animal and Human Grooming Habits

It has long been noted that grooming is far from simply a necessary practice to maintain health and hygiene, instead being an instinctive activity carried out across the human race and animal kingdom from the very dawn of time. The experience of being groomed or grooming another is highly valued and prized without exception as one of the most social and symbolic gestures of all. Social grooming is something that transcends the barrier between human beings and other species , displayed across millions of other animal groups each and every day. Such grooming is known to build and strengthen bonds, form social structures, maintain family ties and begin new relationships. Some animal species are also known to use grooming as a method for the resolution of conflicts and the spur reconciliation, which is also an extremely common trait in humans.

Fair One Apricot Face Wash Scrub Review

I haven't come across rave reviews of Shahnaz Husain's products , but nevertheless I purchased this Apricot face wash scrub . I'd say that the name 'face wash scrub', rather spurred me to give it a try. After all, if a face wash costing just 45 bucks can work as a scrub too, it's good value for money, the cheapskate in me thought. Now whether my assessment was right or wrong, you can only find out by reading further ...

Do Diet Supplements Really Help You Lose Weight?

Every person wants to be able to look in the mirror and feel happy about what they see. Weight gained with age, lifestyle changes, or genetic dispositions can greatly alter self-esteem . If you’ve had problems keeping up with an exercise regimen, healthy dieting, or managing your nutrient balance, there may be answers for you in the form of dietary supplements.

Improve Your Skin with Laser Treatments

As every woman ages, it is inevitable that no matter how many creams, sunscreens, or scrubs she uses, she will come out with creases, scars, and spots.  Even the highest quality products on the market won’t make wrinkles or acne disappear. There is hope, however, for regaining that fresh and vibrant look that each woman strives for when she wakes up in the morning. Recent studies have shown that laser treatments can effectively address many issues women have with their skin . One of the most effectively treated dermal maladies that can be addressed with laser therapy is acne. As though you didn’t already have enough worries with the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, acne has somehow squeezed its way from your adolescence into your adulthood. One way to level the playing field and reduce the appearance of scars is to see your dermatologist about laser therapy.

How to Get a Gorgeous Smile Fast

Your smile is one of the first things a person notices about you. Whether you are at work, playing on the weekends, or attending a special event, brighter clean teeth can give you a youthful and rejuvenated appearance. Taking precautions to preserve the beauty of your teeth now can significantly effect others perspectives on you and how you will look in the future. Consider the following tips for getting a gorgeous smile in no time.

A simple home-remedy for excessive sweating - Reader's contribution

Help!! The skin above my upper lip is dark!!

Ashita asks: The area above my lips and below my nose is noticeably darker.  And even though I do not have superfluous hair above my upper lip, it appears as though I have a  moustache / mustache. This is disturbing me immensely. I'm a 19 year old girl. Can you suggest a suitable home-remedy for my problem? © Yuri Arcurs -

Get rid of that worrying problem

Why do we worry? The obvious answer is that we have problems that worry us. so, we worry. But the obvious answer is not always right. Some women are hardwired for worry. Take for example my friend Savita. She not only is a "wonderful cook" but a "wonderful worrier" too. The joke is that she worries about such silly things. When giving me a recipe, the ingredients and method were all mixed up with worried comments about her son's Maths test marks, her brother-in-law's drinking problem, whether another tsunami would strike soon, whether she had left the electric iron on at home or maybe the gas is leaking... and so on. I questioned her rather bluntly for her abnormal anxiety and it turned out that she was really worried that she might have cancer. The other worries were her way of avoiding the need to face the real, big one. Worrying has many psychological and physical effects. Try to work out your problems by thinking objectively. Image Credits...

Of money and style

When you don't have money, you try and console yourself by saying that money is filthy, it's the root cause of all evil and that it does not buy any happiness.  You desperately want to believe that the rich are not happy but in the heart of your hearts, you know that money matters. Believe me,  it does.  Agreed, the rich need not necessarily be a contented lot, but one thing is true, they do not have to bother about money and with a little planning, neither do you.  So stop being like that fox who claimed that the grapes were sour just because he couldn't reach them. Find ways to improve your financial condition.  Think law of attraction. Do not condemn money; you cannot attract what you criticize. Always say...