Drying the hair after your bath-some tips

Besides shampooing and conditioning, drying the hair after a ‘head bath’ also deserves a mentioning as it is also a vital aspect of hair care routine. Hair, after being washed, is most delicate and needs to be handled with a lot of tender and loving care. 

Some dos and don’t for drying hair
First scrunch-dry the hair, using fingers to wipe off excess water and moisture.

*Then pat-dry the hair always in the direction of the hair, i.e. from top to the end, using a soft towel. Avoid vigorous rubbing with the towel.

*Don’t ever tie the wet hair, twisting it tightly in a towel in a turban-style knot at the back or at the top of the head. This is a sure way of losing hair.

*After the hair is semi-dry, comb it with a wide-toothed comb and leave it if you are one of those whose hair sets naturally into place.

* If you are in a hurry use a blow-dryer, however keep in mind that excessive use of dryer is bad. But if it is a must, these rules can limit damage to a very large extent.

*Apply a protein-based mousse on the hair before drying. This protects the hair and also gives bounce to it. Mousse should always be applied on the scalp and then to the ends. Keep the heat of the dryer at minimum. Also, one should keep the dryer 4 inches away from the scalp.

Next time you go to a parlor, demand these things for the sake of your healthy hair.

See also: Shampooing your hair / Conditioning your hair/ How to make your hair a crowning glory / Fight Dandruff yourself / Care of dry hair / Care of Oily hair / Care of Normal Hair

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  1. Anonymous5:38 PM

    First scrunch-dry the hair, using fingers to wipe off excess water and moisture.
    Then pat-dry the hair always in the direction of the hair, i.e. from top to the end, using a soft towel. Avoid vigorous rubbing with the towel.Don’t ever tie the wet hair, twisting it tightly in a towel in a turban-style knot at the back or at the top of the head. This is a sure way of losing hair.After the hair is semi-dry, comb it with a wide-toothed comb and leave it if you are one of those whose hair sets naturally into place. If you are in a hurry use a blow-dryer, however keep in mind that excessive use of dryer is bad. But if it is a must, these rules can limit damage to a very large extent.Apply a protein-based mousse on the hair before drying. This protects the hair and also gives bounce to it. Mousse should always be applied on the scalp and then to the ends. Keep the heat of the dryer at minimum. Also, one should keep the dryer 4 inches away from the scalp

  2. Karunya5:16 PM

    It is usually not beneficial to try to speed up the drying process by using a blow dryer. The force of the air disrupts the natural wave of the hair and promotes frizz.

  3. Samira5:25 PM

    Gently rub your scalp in circles, lifting the hair. Don’t run your fingers all the way through the ends. This will also help to speed drying time by allowing air to reach the root area.


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