
Best of 2012

2012 was an eventful year with its share of highs and lows. Blogging took a backseat as I was preoccupied with other things that required more priority. But thanks to the guest writers who contributed several quality articles, there was no dearth of posts. Now that the year has come to an end, it's time to showcase the best posts list!

Best of 2012 graphic

Home Remedies To Protect Your Hair During Winter

For some people winter means snow, Christmas, and hot chocolate. However, for a lot of other people winter just means rough and dry hair. The cold, dry air winter produces can easily give you more than one bad hair day. Dry hair makes it hard for you to style yourself because your hair is too frizzy and brittle.

You can even experience some split ends by sitting in the house with the heater on all day. You definitely need to learn how to protect yourself against the harsh weather winter brings along.

9 Ways to Pamper Yourself While On Vacation

Vacation is a time for treating yourself. It’s a time where you should be able to get exactly what you want whenever you want it. Are you having trouble figuring out where to start?

Here are nine different things you can do to pamper yourself while you are on your next vacation.

Pamper Yourself While On Vacation 
A week at the beach? Yes please!

Dental Care during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most beautiful period in a woman’s life. It’s the time to celebrate and rejoice your womanhood. There is so much to think about during pregnancy that you may easily overlook oral health. It is very important that you take good care of your teeth. During pregnancy there are lot of hormonal changes in the body which leads to various teeth and gum problems which in turn affects the baby. Hence it is imperative that you pay more attention to your teeth and fix an appointment with your dentist to avoid any dental problems.

Dental care during pregnancy

Home Remedies For Cracked Skin on Your Feet

Cracked skin on your feet can cause a lot of discomfort and embarrassment. There is nothing fun about experiencing your feet itching, peeling, and cracking. You may also develop red and flaky patches and the heel of your feet will probably start to bleed. When your skin splits open it will be hard for you to walk or even stand without feeling pain. Most of the time cracked feet are caused by dry skin, especially during winters but can also be caused by certain conditions like diabetes or psoriasis.

woman worried about cracked skin on her heels

Pointers for Starting Your Own Beauty Supply Business

Wouldn’t it be great if, as soon as you made the decision to start your own beauty supply business, it would just magically appear before you, all set up and ready to go? Unfortunately, it takes more work than that. Fortunately, it isn’t as difficult as you might fear. You’re going to have to work hard, but that work is going to be incredibly rewarding.

Pointers for Starting Your Own Beauty Supply Business  
Soon these beauty products will be your bread and butter!

7 Tips for Beauty Essentials to Bring on Vacation

One of the best things about going on vacation and staying at a great Hawaii hotel (if you're lucky enough to be going to Hawaii) is that those hotels often keep all of the beauty essentials you will ever need on hand. This can save you loads of time when you are packing and trying to figure out what to bring.

At the same time, bringing your own can save you quite a lot of money. Here are the seven tips that every vacationer should follow when it comes to what beauty essentials need to be packed for a great vacation.

Combating the Cold and Keeping Your Skin Moisturized

During the winter months, it’s tempting to try to beat the cold and dry air outside by curling up in front of a heater. The truth is that this is just as bad for your skin (and can sometimes be even worse). If you want to keep your skin as healthy and as moisturized as possible, here are some things that will help you out.


This is your skin. This is your skin without the proper moisture in the winter.

Don't Let Illness or Injury Ruin Your Holidays

It's not unusual to get sick during the winter season. With the cold weather, most people stay cooped up inside, sharing germs with one another on a regular basis. The winter season also brings with it a variety of slips and falls, as well as other injuries that can ruin your holidays. If you become ill or get injured this season, knowing who to visit can help ensure that these holidays aren't the worst that you've ever had.

10 Essential Items for Woman Wardrobe

Its definitely the fall season and now it’s the right time to discard flip flops and shorts and take into consideration jeans and boots. No matter what your style quotient is, the key to an amazing wardrobe is selecting the foundation pieces, which are the best to work with.

These are the basic items that you’ll need to make a strong foundation. If you don’t have any of them, then remember its better to invest in any of them rather than buying trendier items. Year after year, these items will serve you the best.

The changing gender roles and the rise of the unisex perfume

Gender roles are a flexible concept, they have been gradually changing over the years. That is why the people’s perception of what is considered ‘manly’ or ‘feminine’ have changed a lot. It would be impossible to imagine a female breadwinner even a century ago while it does not look surprising nowadays. Our lifestyles and habits have changed. Fashion styles have evolved as well: both men and women wear jeans, trousers and t-shirts. The unisex style of clothing is not surprising anymore.

5 Health Benefits You Should Know About Panax Ginseng

Panax ginseng has long been valued for its numerous health benefits. Traditional healers, mostly found in China, Japan, and Korea, have been using it for medicinal purposes for almost a thousand years.  Panax ginseng is mostly classified as an adaptogen and a restorative tonic. Briefly, an adaptogen is something that enables a person to respond healthily to stimuli such as physical and mental stress. A restorative tonic, on the other hand, is a medicine or any other agent that helps to promote the restoration of health and strength as well as mental consciousness. Given these two qualities, one can see how favorable it is for a person to take advantage of the numerous benefits that panax ginseng can offer.

Diet Reviews: Seven Diet Mistakes That Make You Fat

People go on a diet in the hope of shedding their long-dreaded excess weight. However, not all diet attempts seem to go smoothly as planned. Somestrategies to lose weight only make dieters reap the opposite results. So if you are on a diet but you seem to be getting fatter by the minute, there must be some things you’re doing terribly wrong.

The Benefits of A Sleep Mask

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A True Sleep Masks Function  

A sleep mask can be a very helpful tool for men and women who have trouble sleeping at night.  Their main purpose is to block out light that may distract someone when trying to fall asleep.  Any other benefits are small and only a secondary function to light reduction.  Although companies may claim their masks have several healing abilities, the truth is, most are ineffective and cannot provide much additional help. There are several types of sleep masks all ranging in price and quality.  Although the differences may not affect the ability to fall asleep, they can cause undesirable results concerning wrinkles and puffiness around the eyes.

The Right Way to Take Care of Your Hair

Taking care of your hair involves setting up a good routine for yourself – one that you can follow every day.

The products you use on your hair and to support your hair health are also important.

Picking the wrong ones could do some damage to your hair, leaving it weak and unhealthy looking.

Tips for Skin Brightening and Pigmentation Reduction!

Skin pigmentation is a common issue that plagues many women and men in India. In fact, in my dermatological practice, I see multiple patients daily suffering with this particular skin issue. I usually give each and every one specific counseling and guidelines to help guide them on how to treat and prevent this prevalent skin disease. Read below for my skin care tips to help prevent and treat dull and pigmented skin!


What Are the Worst Airborne Allergens?


Seasonal allergies are a constant source of struggle for people who live with them. According to the National Institutes of Health, 17.9 million Americans in the last 12 months have been diagnosed with hay fever. Allergies can be as unpredictable as the weather, and with the warm period of the seasons becoming longer due to global warming, allergies that would only stick around for the summer months might still be around into October and November. People can also develop allergic responses to indoor allergens as well, and staying cooped up indoors may not be the best solution for everyone, especially since outdoor allergens can accumulate indoors as well. Knowing the worst allergens can be a step toward getting the best treatment for airborne allergies.

8 Reasons Why Beauty Supply Websites Should Accept Online Payments

Your beauty supply website is up and running, but you don’t accept online payments. Why? The whole point of online shopping revolves around buying and paying for products in one place.

Sure you have your reasons, but they will hold back your success. Most shoppers can come up with a multitude of reasons to accept online payments, and you should listen to them.

Dont Accept Online Payments
         What? You don’t accept online payments?

Should You Look Into a Company’s Online Reputation Before Buying Their Goods?

It sure can be easier to buy what you need online sometimes. Maybe you can’t find the product you want or need in your area, or maybe you don’t have the time to run around to physical stores, so buying online is just more convenient.

Should You Look Into a Company’s Online Reputation Before Buying Their Goods
Image courtesy of renjith krishnan/ FreeDigitalPhotos

Outdoor Games That Help In Staying Fit

Staying fit is best done by being physically active. Physical activity is essential to maintaining a healthy body. Sports have always been the best means to be active, as     they mix up both pleasure and workout together. Playing sports contributes to overall development of your body, including mental and physical development.


Maintaining Dental Health During the Holiday Seasons

The holiday seasons can mean a lot of different things to different people. However, one of the most popular and common holiday traditions involves eating foods heavy in sugar. Whether it’s candy canes, cakes and pies, or even sweet holiday beverages, the amount of sugar that is consumed during this time of the year can be considerable. Unfortunately, this can have damaging effects on dental health, increasing the likelihood of cavities and other dental problems beginning to develop.

dental-health-during holidays

3 Home Remedies To Naturally Kill Your Bad Breath

Bad breath can be a huge issue in anybody's life, especially if you have a very active social life. People don't want to face you if your breath has a foul odor.

5 Post-Surgery Questions You Need to Ask Your Doctor

Navy doctor prepares to insert an endoscope through a patient's belly button before performing surgery
After any kind of surgical procedure, there is always a list of things you need to do to aid your healing body, in addition to a handful of things you are to stay away from. Among others, here are five questions that your doctor should address:

3 Powerful Home Remedies for Dry Hair

If you want to have beautiful looking hair then dry hair can really make you frustrated. People usually suffer from dry hair because there isn't enough moisture and oil in their hair to begin with.

One of the main reasons most people don't have enough hair moisture is due to excessive sun exposure without protecting their head. Other things like excessive washing and using harsh chemicals can cause dry hair. If you like to utilize a lot of styling products like blow driers and hot curling irons on a regular basis it can cause your hair to become very dry also.

Soy or Almond Milk: Which Is Healthier?

It is interesting, isn't it? That the only mammals that drink another mammal's milk are humans. Actually, that's the basis for many holistic health experts' argument about why, ultimately, dairy milk is not the best for our health. The reasons why include that cow's milk is an acidifying protein, it's a processed food and that it produces (more) mucus within our systems.

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If you are someone who has been considering trying out a milk alternative, but you haven't been sure if you should go with soy or almond milk, we have enclosed some "pros" and "cons" to both to assist you with making the best decision for you and your family:

Getting the Perfect Wedding Day Tan

It may be snowing and blowing outside, but that doesn't mean you have to look as pale as an ice queen on your special day. You can have the tan you want for your wedding photos (and build up a base so you don't burn on your tropical honeymoon) before the big day with a bit of planning and some careful forethought. Although some people prize a fair complexion, you certainly don't want to resemble the corpse bride on your wedding day, and the cool tones of winter can definitely give you a bluish pallor if you don't do something to correct your lack of pigment. However, you'll also want to avoid the burnt toast look of the New Jersey tanning mom. So here are just a few tips to ensure that you look perfectly, naturally tan on your special day.

How to Prevent Damage When You Flat Iron Your Hair

There's no look sleeker than perfect, shiny, flat-ironed hair. Whether you're attending a high-brow charity luncheon, spending the day at the office, or hitting the clubs for an evening of drinks and dancing, a flat iron can offer you the polished look you seek. But as you may be aware, the intense heat that comes off this styling tool can also cause irreparable damage to your delicate locks, leading to dullness, dryness, fly-aways, and even split ends. Over time, your silky strands can start to show signs of wear and tear that make your mane look positively tatty, especially if you already stress you tresses with chemical treatments like dye or straighteners. So if you want to keep your hair healthy and shiny even when you're turning up the heat, here are a few tips to help you do less harm.

Guide Of Dos And Don'ts Of Winter Fashion

Winter season is here and has brought in the cold winds and a change in the wardrobe. In this season you do not have to end up looking like a drab instead with proper accessories and dress sense you can make the heads turn. This season invite the cold with warming up your closet. Here is a guide of dos and don’ts of winter fashion:
