Keeping The Skin Healthy Is Vital

Keeping our skin healthy year round is about keeping it moisturized and ensuring the pores' breathability. Water is what the skin is made of, therefore, it is essential for its health. Drinking water helps to moisturize and replenish the skin from the inside which, in turn, keeps the pores of the dermal skin moisturized. The natural way our skin breathes is through sweat. Sweating helps to detoxify the body by getting rid of toxins that can clog our pores. These toxins can create infections like blemishes and pimples.

woman with beautiful skin

The best products for sweating are antiperspirants, which can be purchased in off-the-shelf drug stores and other retail stores. There is a condition called hyperhidrosis, where individuals sweat uncontrollably, that is treated with prescribed antiperspirants. Is antiperspirant bad for you? The answer is no, according to the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society.

Our skin is the largest organ of the human body and it is bombarded by sun, rain, wind, dirt, and more, which is why we must take care of it every day to keep it healthy. The dermis (underlying cells) is made up of 70% water and the epidermis (outer layer of skin) is made up of 15% water. Whatever season it is, our skin needs to remain healthy through moisture and the types of foods we eat.

Where food is concerned, dermatologists suggest dining on foods that have water in them, like dark leafy greens, fruits like watermelon and cucumbers, proteins, and whole grains. Our skin grows and changes as we age. By keeping our skin hydrated and ingesting the rights foods containing vitamins and minerals, we can keep our skin in a state of refreshment.

As for skin moisturizers, the best ingredients include emollients, propylene glycol, glycerin, and proteins that attracts water to the skin while mineral oil, lanolin, antioxidants, alpha hydroxy acids, and Vaseline helps to trap and lock in moisture for healthier skin. No matter whether your skin is oily, dry, or a combination, there are skin ointments that can help and nourish.

Getting in eight hours of sleep each day is also an essential part of retaining a healthy skin. When we don't get enough rest, our skin shows problems. We can develop a lack-luster appearance and more wrinkles. Also, not getting enough sleep affects our skin's moisture levels, thereby lowering our complexion's PH level.

Getting our beauty sleep is a literal effect. When we sleep, our bodies are recharging, including our dermis and epidermis cell levels. As we sleep, our bodies are resting, healing, and eliminating toxins. The dead cells are replaced with healthy ones. If our sleep is continually interrupted, then our body cannot carry out these vital skin functions. Also, as we sleep, our body replaces elastin, hyaluronic acid, and collagen that gives our skin elasticity and supple, moisturized texture.

Remember what our skin goes through in the winter. We must protect our skin during windy cold weather and the sun to keep our skin from chapping, cracking, and becoming irritated. During the fall, the air is dryer and cooler which makes our skin lose moisture. In the spring, the sun feels warm which means our skin is absorbing more rays than we are aware of.

We don't want our skin to bake and dry out or to be burned from UV sun rays. In the wonderful summertime, our skin is still subject to harsher UV rays as we sunbath, hoping for that tan we call healthy looking. Just remember to use sunscreen because our skin does benefit from the sun's rays by making Vitamin D which is good for our bones and other organs.

Keeping the skin healthy is vital

The health of our skin helps with how we look, plus a healthy skin throughout the year means a healthy immune system. In addition to the environment, our skin protects us from illnesses and diseases like viruses and bacteria. A healthy skin impacts on how well we live indoors and outdoors and how well we respond to the changes and pressures around us. It protects us from getting sick or receiving excessive damage to our internal organs, muscles, and our bones.

(Contributed by Becky)

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