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Oily hair and its care

This type of hair is straight, shiny and dull. It gives a bouncy look the day you shampoo, but the next day it starts looking dull and lifeless. It is lank, cannot keep its style and can easily become smelly as dust particles tend to stick easily due to oiliness of the hair. Dandruff is a major problem with this type of hair. If this is your hair type, maintain your hair in the following way.

*Do not brush your hair too often, as this will activate the flow of natural oils from the roots making the hair more oily.
*Preferably use a comb rather than a brush for this type of hair.
*Oily hair also requires regular massage.
*Massage your hair once in a week with warm coconut oil.
*Proper cleaning is very important for oily hair. Use lime or protein based shampoo for this type of hair.
*With proper cleaning the hair looks healthier, dust particles are removed and it reduces the chance of dandruff. If your hair is very oily and it needs daily shampooing, then use a baby shampoo of good company.
*Take a mug of water, squeeze ½ a lemon or add 2 spoonfuls of vinegar to it. Give your hair a final rinse with this mixture. This will add luster to your hair.

Home Remedies for oily hair1) Dissolve a small amount of fuller’s earth(multani mitti) in water and make a paste. Apply on the scalp. Leave for half an hour and then shampoo.
2) Squeeze ½ a lemon in 1 egg ,mix it well. Apply on the scalp with fingertips. Leave for ½ an hour and then shampoo.
3) Henna is a good conditioner for this type of hair. It will add extra bounce and thickness to oily hair.

See also:
How to make your hair a crowning glory

Care of dry hair

Fight Dandruff yourself


  1. Anonymous8:23 PM

    you could also add half a lemon or a full lemon (the juice) to your shampoo. it helps oi;y hair and gives you natural high-lights

  2. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Never wash your hair everyday, it will only strip out the natural good oils from your hair. I use garner frutis 3 minutes conditioner. It works so well, you will be able to tell when you rise your hair. For your oily hair problem, you aren't using enough shampoo, don't go crazy, just a little bit more than what you are using. Put an anti-friss product in your hair (friss-eaze, or something at your salon.) Blow dry your hair with a round or straight bristle brush. (depends on the length of your hair, long = straight, short = round.) Your hair may not look that great after the blow dryer but that is what the straightener is for. Then use a ceramic straightening iron (found at your local salon, they really make a difference) at a low setting, you don't want to burn your hair. If you want you can buy a big curling iron to curl your ends

  3. Anonymous9:22 AM

    You needn't wash your hair repeatedly to ensure remarkable results, so why not skip a shampoo or two? Remember, the more you wash your hair and the more styling products you apply, the greater the amount of buildup that adheres to your silky strands.

  4. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I can not wait to try this... I hate when my hair looks greasy, but sometimes I just don't have time to wash my hair before work. I am going to try this asap!

  5. Sadanand10:56 AM

    I have a problem with oily bangs at the end of the day and was hoping that this would help. Has anyone tried it?

  6. Sonali1:02 PM

    shampoo every day, and do not use a conditioner, buy a shampoo made especially for oily hair and rinse with vinegar


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