4 Homemade Beauty Hacks Every Girl Should Know

Looking through designer handbags online, I noticed that the best accessory a woman can actually have is herself. No matter what you wear, or how you keep up with the trends, if you look good there is no need for a lot of extras.

A fresh clean look is something that seems to go with everything. Unfortunately, not all women are born with good skin or perfect hair.

In fact, most rely on beauty products to cover flaws and enhance their looks. Although there is nothing wrong with this, it can be good to be able to step out without using so much commercial products.

homemade DIY masks

It does not take too much to look good naturally. In fact, there are more than a handful of do-it-yourself beauty recipes that can be used. It takes just a few minutes to whip these up in your own kitchen. Best of all, it doesn’t cost half as much as the commercial products you’ll find in stores.

1. Foaming Facial Wash

Cleansing the face is a basic beauty regimen that can lead to clear skin. This is especially important for women who wear make-up and spend a lot of time outdoors.

Making sure that the face is cleansed before going to bed and applying beauty products can prevent breakouts.

This simple foaming facial wash is made from liquid castile soap, water and tea tree oil. Castile soap is a cleanser made from plant oils such as jojoba, olive, coconut and palm. Despite being made from oil it can help eliminate dirt and slow down oil production in the skin naturally by balancing out oil levels.

At the same time, it contains natural antibacterial properties from its plant base. It has a low comedogenic rating, so it does not clog pores. In this recipe, antibacterial properties are strengthened with the use of tea tree oil which is known to prevent acne.

To make your own foaming facial wash simply mix a quarter of a cup (60 ml) liquid castile soap with 1 cup (250 ml) distilled or purified water and 1ml (1/10 tsp.) of pure tea tree oil. Put this in a foaming bottle and use during mornings and evenings.

2. Moisturizing Hair Mask

Dull and dry hair is a common problem among women. Not only is it unattractive, but it gives the appearance of being worn-down and exhausted as well. With just two ingredients from the kitchen- bananas and coconut oil, you can have an all-natural solution that will moisturize and add shine to hair.

Being rich in potassium, vitamins, carbohydrates and more, bananas are good for the hair. These can help moisturize, strengthen, add shine, control dandruff and promote hair growth. 

Coconut oil is high in Lauric acid, medium chain fatty acids and more that promote hair growth, enrich the scalp and moisturize strands.

To create a moisturizing hair mask, use a one is to one proportion. Take one ripe banana and one tablespoon of coconut oil and blend together in a food processor. If you need more, simply increase the proportions accordingly. Apply this hair mask and leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes, before rinsing off and shampooing.

3. Anti-aging Facial Scrub

Aside from the regular cleansing, it can also be good to exfoliate the face once or twice a week.  A gentle scrub can help get rid of dead skin cells and promote better circulation for a natural glow.

Here is a great recipe for a natural facial scrub that will not only smooth skin out, but also help tighten it. The scrub’s base of baking soda has long been used as a mild antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent for the skin.

This is known to help de-clog pores, draw out blackheads and absorb excess oil as well. It is mixed with honey which is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent too.

At the same time, the various essential oils used provide a range of anti-aging properties. Lavender is known to help regenerate cells, while frankincense tightens skin and prevents sagging. Geranium oil on the other hand lightens dark spots and evens out skin tone.

For this exfoliating scrub make a paste with a tablespoon of baking soda and half a tablespoon of honey. Add a drop each of lavender, geranium and frankincense oils and mix it in thoroughly.

To use, open up your pores by steaming or placing a warm face towel on for a few minutes. Massage your face with the scrub all over the face using light circular motions for three to five minutes before rinsing it with warm water.

4. Milk Foot Scrub

Many of the online boutiques you’ll find today sell footwear as well. Choices often include sandals, which are perfect for many outfits.

Of course, wearing something that will expose your tootsies means your feet should be nice and smooth.

This milk   scrub for cracked heels is a personal favorite. It’s an all-natural way to prep feet for sandals, as well as the warmer seasons when flip flops are in fashion. The ingredients have been tweaked a bit to make it more natural.

Milk has high levels of lactic acid, which is an Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) that can soften, hydrate and nourish the skin.  As mentioned earlier, coconut oil contains essential fatty acids and can lock moisture in. Sugar and kosher salt are both natural exfoliants that can smooth the skin.

Start by making a paste out of half a cup of coconut oil and four tablespoons of brown sugar or kosher salt. Set this aside. Soak feet in 1 cup of milk and 5 cups of warm water for 10 minutes.

After soaking, massage the feet with the coconut oil mixture, using circular motions. A pumice stone can be used on callused areas.

Rinse feet off and soak again in the milk solution for another five to ten minutes. Pat your feet dry and apply some plain coconut oil before slipping on a pair of socks to lock in moisture.


These four recipes are just some examples of what can be done with a few household ingredients. Looking great is not always about paying the premium price for the latest products.

In fact, with some time and patience, you can come up with some very effective beauty recipes to use. Best of all, these recipes will bring out your natural beauty and you can be confident with anything you put on. 

Author Bio: Regina loves everything that has to do with being in style. When she’s not sharing her thoughts and ideas, this fashion and beauty aficionado catches on the latest trends at Style Pop.

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1 comment:

  1. Namita3:58 PM

    Neutrogena has a new one out that looks like liquid in the bottle but comes out foam and it's like $7 and there is an astringent that goes with it. I like different things but Neutrogena is good stuff and reasonably priced. Also, the foam is kind of tingly.


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