
Best of the year 2006

A collection of posts which you liked and some which I wish you had liked…

Skin care

Oily skin, Normal skin, Combination skin. and Dry skin care
Skin care according to your skin type
Your skin care rituals according to your age.
Skin care-follow these 5 golden rules
Remember these rules as well.
Skin care during daytime and at night
You should treat your skin with heavy creams at night…
Everyday care for a beautiful skin
Care for your skin on a daily basis
Skin care for dark complexion
A dusky complexion looks great. Take care of it.
The Wonders of Cream Bleach
Bleaching has its own advantages.

Skin ailments and infections
Get rid of blackheads and Whiteheads
You certainly don’t want these spots to spoil your looks? Do you?
Fungal infections may affect your feet
Those tiny fungi might eat away your toes…. So act fast…

Hands and nails
Strengthening weak nails
Strengthen your weak nails with these tips
French manicure
Steps to get a great French manicure
Split ends in the hair-get rid of them
Trim your split-ends …
Nails reveal your health
Watch your nails….there is much more to it than just the looks.
Fix torn nails at home
Fixing torn nails is not a problem any more.
A unique nail-art
An easy, frugal, yet stylish way to tattoo your nails

Homemade face packs, body masks and potions
Simple ways of acquiring a clear & blemish free skin
Simplicity is the key to beauty. A blemish-free complexion is still attainable with home made beauty aids.
Home-made face packs for wrinkles
Forget botox! Try these masks to delay ageing and to prevent as well as smoothen out your wrinkles.
Face mask with cucumber and yoghurt
Yummy yoghurt and cool cucumber: fantastic combination - good enough to eat as well as to smear on your face.
Home-made face wash
Don’t pooh-pooh this after looking at the ingredients used. Your tired face will revive instantly after washing it with this.
Instant remedy for a dull face and unsightly nose
Perk up a dull face instantly with this remedy. Wait… there is help for an unsightly nose too.
Body softening mask
Once in a while you need to pamper your body with a mask and this one is for you.
Beauty Masks for a glowing complexion
Time-tested, awesome masks to make your face glowing and bright.

Bath and Body
A luxurious bath will leave you as fresh as a daisy.
Pamper your feet
Fuss and pamper those tired horses at the end of the day.
Home Facials
Pamper and rejuvenate yourself with a home facial.
Manicure and Pedicure at home
Easy tips for a great manicure and pedicure and that too in the comforts of your home.

Hair care
Prevent gray hair
Premature graying…. Maybe you are getting too wise beyond years or it could be that….
Crimp your hair for beauty
Tired of that same old straight look. Try crimping to get wavy hair…..
Prevent hair-loss part-1 and part-2
Hair loss is a universal problem…
Short Permed Hair-1 and part-2
Take care of your short permed hair.
Home-made henna (mehendi) hair dye
Dye your gray hair with natural henna for an auburn color. Looks good only when you have a few gray strands….
Hairstyles-choose according to the shape of your face
Choose a hairstyle that suits you.
Dos and Don’ts of hair care
Some do’s and don’t for while managing your mane.
Herbs for health and beauty
Tulsi (Basil) for beauty
Holy Basil – Not just meant to be revered but to be as a beauty aid as well.
Aloevera, the wonder herb
This spiky plant won’t prick you; not if you handle it gently to squeeze out the fleshy juice from its leaf and slather it on your skin.

Fruits and vegetables for health and beauty
Papaya for health and beauty
Grow a papaya tree at home and you will never tire relating the virtues of this awesome fruit to each and everyone.
Cucumber for beauty and health
Use cucumber as a health and beauty aid and become as cool as a cucumber.
Lemon as a beauty aid
This tiny golden colored fruit is sooooo marvelous.
Banana-medicinal and cosmetic value
Binge on bananas… crush its pulp to make amazing face masks.

Dairy products for health and beauty
Buttermilk for Beauty
Buttermilk’s not just for quenching your thirst, it can do a lot more for your skin, hair and your health too.
Milk for health and beauty
Let’s not get into an argument whether milk is good for you or not. Just slather it on your skin to make it glow….

Makeup- Why is it necessary
Is make-up essential???
Groom yourself with accessories
Collect trendy accessories..mix ‘n match with your dresses- create your own style

Teeth whitening remedies
Whiten and brighten you teeth professionally or at home…
Home remedies for tooth aches
Ease your toothache with some of these easy home remedies.
Noon-time nap
A short siesta at noon refreshes you mentally and physically…

Eyes and eye care
Eye yoga
Simple ways to exercise your eyes.
Eyebrows shaping and care
Shapely eyebrows look great.
Eye care for computer users
Spending too much time on the computers? The result – tired, dry, watery eyes.
First aid tips for eye emergencies
These tips may come in handy when someone punches you in the eye. :)
Make up with contact lenses – Is it permissible
Surely you can apply make-up with considerable ease when you are wearing contact lenses.
Eye care in summer
Harmful sunrays wreak havoc on your eyes. Use huge wrap-around sunglasses to protect them.
Facts about Contact lenses
All you wanted to know about contact lenses…
Contact lenses-some helpful tips for care and maintenance Part-1 and Part-2
Don’t underestimate the importance of caring for those tiny lenses.
Spectacle frames- tips on choosing the right one
Choose the right frames for your face. See clearly and look great.

Care of your jewellery
Your precious jewels…. You wouldn’t dream of parting with them even for a few minutes- no, not even for cleaning. No worries. Just clean ‘em all by yourself at home…
Those white, pure glistening pieces are just so mesmerizing…. Take care of them so that they last you a lifetime.
Diamonds are forever… A family heirloom to be passed on from generation to generation…

Body art
The Magnificient Mehendi (Henna)
Those temporary tattoos are just too cute!

You and your voice
Voice Improvement
Do you have a nasal voice or….?
Keep your voice young and healthy
Your voice can be a dead give-away of your age. Nurture it and keep it sounding young.
Home remedies for hoarse voice (laryngitis)
Easy tips and remedies to cure laryngitis

Health and nutrition
Laughter, the best medicine
Laugh your way to good health…
Sleep deprivation-Consequences
Sleep deprived, are you?
Weight reduction diet tips
Wanna reduce weight? In addition to exercise you need to pay attention to what you eat.
Bad Breath (Halitosis)
It can be so embarrassing at times.
For a good night's sleep
Sleep well and wake up refreshed
Body odor
Do you have an offensive body odour?
Breakfast is essential for good health
Don’t you dare to skip your breakfast. You will end up bingeing even more, later during the day…

Home Remedies for common ailments
Home Remedies for tonsillitis
Tips that may help you when you have a problem of tonsillitis
Home Remedies for flatulence/gas
Now this can cause you a lot of embarrassment. Some of the remedies mentioned here will of immense help.
Home remedies for common cold and cough
Don’t shuffle, cough and sniff when you have a cold. Ease yourself with these remedies.
Home Remedies for headache
A pounding headache hammering your head from all sides? Not to worry. Help is here.

Ayurveda and Naturopathy

Exercise and Fitness
Kapalabhati Pranayam
The breath of fire…
Anuloma-Viloma pranayama breathing exercise
This breathing exercise can cure a migraine also.
Facial exercises for a youthful look-part-1 and part-2
Exercise your face for a youthful look.

Hot summer tips
Some tips for summer
Beauty and health tips for the hot summer months.
Sunscreen-the neccessity of summer
It’s so very essential, not just in summer but in all seasons too.
Make-up tips for summer
Cool make-up tips to look you best in summer.
Cool ways to beauty in summer
Don’t swelter in the summer heat. Be a cool cat this summer by following these cool tips.
Fruit juices for a cool summer
Quench your insatiable thirst with delicious, nutritious fruit juices….

Personal growth, personality development
Intellectual grooming
Groom your intellectual side.
Beauty and health effects of negative emotions
How your negativity can affect health and beauty?
Beauty and emotions - kinship between them
What’s emotion got to do with beauty???
Self esteem-Why is it so important?
What is self-esteem ? Is it self-love, narcissism or selfishness? The answer- None of these. But if you possess adequate self-esteem you will surely lead a happy life.
Sense of humor-tips to regain it
Tickle that funny bone in you…
How mature are you?
Are you mature for your age? Find out for yourself…

Postage stamps as nail-art?

Did you know that you could use postage stamps in a unique way to decorate your finger nails? Here are the pictures from a Swiss-German site, which demonstrates this.

See also: The magnificent Mehendi (henna)

Sleep deprivation-Consequences

A good night’s sleep will leave us fresh and ready to face the world. Sleep plays an important role in conserving the energy levels and refreshing our mental and emotional equilibrium. Disturbances in the timing of sleep could be due to our lifestyles, stress or the nature of work which keeps us so busy that we have no time for adequate sleep. Or it could be due to some sleeping disorders which need medical attention.

Sleep deprivation could have serious repercussions on our health. Studies from National sleep Foundation’s poll substantiate this.
* Stress makes one to lose sleep and lack of sleep results in stress and thus it can be a vicious circle. Stress, depression and lack of sleep weakens the immune system making one vulnerable to a multitude of diseases, like common cold, diabetes, asthma, fevers etc.
* A person’s attention span decreases and makes him/her drowsy and distractible. Anger, irritability and crankiness will follow. On further deprivation, there may be symptoms of hallucinations, illusions and confused behavior.
* Other effects could be poor memory and difficulty in focusing and concentrating on the task in hand, impaired ability and increased errors at work.

A good night’s sleep is a must for good health. So, try and analyze the reasons for your sleeplessness, and if you have any concerns see your doctor to rule out any sleep disorder or disease. Do check out the posts For a good night’s sleep and Water therapy for sleeplessness for tips on getting a good quality, sufficient sleep.
Category: Health

Does a woman’s skin age faster than a man’s?

There is bad news for beauty conscious women who are desirous of preserving their youthful charm and would like to have a taut and firm skin sans wrinkles even in their advancing years. A German study using a new laser-based technique to measure damage from sun exposure and aging has shown that a woman’s skin ages faster than a man’s. Looks like Mother Nature is partial towards men in this matter too.
A woman's skin ages faster than a man's
A woman's skin ages faster than a man's

Now onto the details. Collagens are a group of proteins in the dermis, the connective tissue layer of the skin, and are responsible for  responsible for giving skin its strength and elasticity. As you get older your body produces less collagen so your skin looks droopy and wrinkled. Using a new laser imaging technique, researchers from Germany's Freidrich Schiller University in Jena and the Fraunhofer Institute of Biomedical Technology in St. Ingbert looked at the deeper layers of the skin and measured the amount of damage from sun exposure and aging. The imaging of collagen and elastin, whose degeneration causes wrinkles and loss of smoothness, revealed that women lose collagen at a faster rate than men.

So whether you like it or not, it's a fact that a woman's skin ages faster than a man's.

Home Remedies for tonsillitis

Though tonsils provide local immunity to the oral cavity by devouring the bacteria that make their way to the body through the throat, they do suffer injuries and sometimes succumb to it. This inflammatory condition in the tonsils is known as ‘tonsillitis and calls for a surgery.

But remember, “Treatment always begins at home”. Here is a collection of home remedies to provide relief and reduce the inflammation and swelling.
  • Mustard should be powdered well and one pinch of this powder should be mixed with hot water. Gargle frequently with this solution for relief.
  • Hot water fomentation with a clean soft cloth dipped in hot water, applied locally over the throat also provides relief.
  • Turmeric root should be ground well into a fine powder and a paste should be made using water. This paste should be applied locally over the throat. Turmeric has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.
  • One pinch of turmeric powder and some crystalline salt should be mixed in one cup of hot water. Gargle with this solution frequently.
  • One pinch of black pepper and half a spoon of turmeric powder should be mixed with milk. Consume this thrice a day. It alleviates cough and inflammation of the tonsils.
Oral hygiene is prime importance to keep tonsillitis at bay. Brushing of teeth after every meal and throat gargling are the keys to oral hygiene. Burn turmeric roots over a flame and powder it well. Mix this powder with an equal quantity of common salt to create a tooth powder which is a perfect blend of nature and health. Using this powder helps maintain oral hygiene and prevents the slightest chance of developing tonsillitis.

Even after all these remedies if tonsillitis still bothers you, then you may have to consult your doctor and go in for a surgery.
pic source:

See also:
Home remedies for tooth ache / Oral-Dental Hygiene and care /Bad Breath(Halitosis) / Teeth whitening-remedies

Home-made face packs for wrinkles

To counteract wrinkles and excessive dryness, apply these face packs- they will keep your skin supple and smooth.
1) Mash a ripe banana, mix with juice of roses and apply to face. Wash off with warm water after an hour. Use regularly to get best results; will keep skin soft, supple and wrinkle free.
2) A spoonful of onion juice mixed with honey is also extremely good for skin blemishes and wrinkles.
3) A cabbage pack is also very effective. Mix to a paste the juice of a few cabbage leaves, a tablespoon of honey and a little yeast. Apply and leave on face and neck for 20 minutes before washing off with warm water; ending in a cold splash.
4) An egg white (not beaten) spread over the skin near eyes and neck, left to dry for an hour before wiping off with cotton wool, dipped in ice cold water, removes wrinkles.
5) Wrinkles or lines around the mouth are caused by smoking, advancing age, dry skin and laughing movements. Keep lips moist with a coating of petroleum jelly every day, to discourage the small lines which radiate from the lips. Rub thick papaya slices all around your mouth; or better still, make a paste of papaya, pat it around the mouth and lie down.
6) Equal parts of egg and glycerin with a little rose water can be applied on upper lips, left for 15 minutes and washed off; this will help remove fine wrinkles that appear in the area.
7) For a wrinkled neck, mash a very ripe banana with a teaspoon of pure olive oil. Tie your hair up so that it does not smudge the neck pack. Lie down and pat the banana pack all over your neck. Rinse with cold water after 15-20 minutes.
Category: Home-made-beauty-aids
See also: Beauty Masks for a glowing complexion/ The whole body softening mask/ Natural skin masks / Cucumber yoghurt mask/ Apple mask and chamomile mask/ Multani mitti cleansing mask

Winter lip care

Dry chapped lips are a common problem in winter. Some of these tips may help:
* Apply Vaseline or butter on your lips as many times as possible during the day. This will keep them well moisturized.
* If your lips have split use a medicated lip-balm to heal them.
* Do not bite or chew your lips to remove the dry flakes.
* Avoid licking your lips frequently.
* Use a lip balm with an SPF factor as a base before applying a lipstick.
* Use creamy lipsticks instead of matte ones.

Lip exfoliating:
You can exfoliate your lips with just a toothbrush and a little Vaseline or butter. Brush the lips gently to remove the dry flakes. Rubbing lemon juice or glycerin will also exfoliate the dead skin cells caused due to various factors like cold weather, smoking etc. and restore the original smoothness and color.
Category: Skin care Pic

Strengthening weak nails

Nails which are brittle and break easily can be very irksome, as it takes months together to make them grow to a reasonable size again. Unfortunately, most people injure their nails while cooking, gardening, washing up, etc. As a result, the nails become weak and break easily. Drinking too much alcohol, calcium deficiency, lack of zinc in the body, damage to the liver etc. leads to weakening of the nails.

Toughening weak fingernails can be quite harrowing. If you have weak nails keep them short and square shaped. Make sure you trim your nails often, especially after a long bath or after soaking them in water for 15 minutes. Nails tend to weaken and peel when they are dry. You could even try moisturizing them at night using Vaseline and wearing cotton gloves. Avoid direct contact with detergents, by wearing rubber gloves, when washing up.

Apply a nail hardener or a colorless nail varnish to give extra protection and hardness. However, avoid products which contain chemicals which cause redness or irritate the skin. Often, nail problems occur due to over exposure to nail polish removers. Therefore, women should ensure that they do not use removers more than twice a month. If you need to remove any traces of nail polish which make the nails look ugly, use those that contain some percentage of acetone. These are less harmful and help dry nails.

When your nails split or chip, repair them with nail glue or clear nail polish. Read Fix torn nails at home. Be sure to include proteins and calcium in your diet. A diet which consists of meat, fish, cheese, milk, cream and eggs will strengthen your nails.
Category: Body care & spa
See also: Hand and nail care/ Manicure at home / Nails reveal your health

Tulsi (Basil) to cure skin problems

Tulsi (Basil is revered by the Hindus as a holy herb. This belief is not entirely due to any dogmatic religious conviction, but rests upon solid scientific foundations. In addition to its spiritually uplifting qualities, Tulsi has been found to possess extraordinary powers of healing and promoting health. Tulsi is found to be endowed with purifying and antiseptic qualities. The efficacy of the remedies of skin diseases is greatly augmented if they are used in conjunction with Tulsi. Here is a collection of a few such remedies:
  • Equal amounts of 5 parts of the Tulsi plant should be dried and powdered together. An extract of this powder has a purifying action on the blood. Regular use of this extract therefore prevents skin diseases.
  • Application of a paste formed by grinding Tulsi leaves with lemon juice is an effective treatment for ringworm.
  • Continued ingestion of powdered Tulsi roots and leaves with hot water is believed to cure all skin diseases.
  • Boil Tulsi leaves in mustard oil. When the leaves have turned completely black, take the oil off the fire and strain it. The application of this oil is beneficial in all skin diseases.
  • Those suffering from scabies, ringworm or eczema should drink juice of Tulsi leaves along with an external application on the affected parts.
  • Dry Tulsi leaves in the shade, add some alum, grind well and sieve through fine cloth. Store the powder in a clean dry glass bottle. This powder can be applied on any fresh cuts or wounds, and will promote quick healing.
  • Application of Tulsi juice on boils is beneficial and gives relief.
  • Application of a Tulsi leaves ground in water from the river Ganga is believed to make skin eruptions subside in a very short time.
  • Application of a paste of Tulsi leaves and tender shoots of peepar (piper longum) on skin irritations resulting from plucking of hair provides relief.
  • Pain due to burns is alleviated by applying equal quantities of Tulsi juice and coconut oil mixed well.
  • Rubbing with Tulsi leaves over itching parts brings quick relief. Itching can also be soothed by applying a mixture of Tulsi and lemon juices.
See also: Tulsi (Basil) for beauty

Multani Mitti (Fuller’s earth) cleansing mask

Multani mitti or Fuller’s earth makes an excellent cleansing mask, and possesses highly absorbent qualities. It is rich in minerals and when applied to the skin in the form of a paste, it helps improve circulation; it hardens slowly as it dries, and absorbing the dead cells on the top of the skin and dries up any excess oil. The mineral ingredient in fuller’s earth giving the absorbent action is the hydrated aluminium silicate. Grease of the skin, coats the particles of aluminium silicate and is lifted away from the skin when the mask is removed. It is therefore unsuitable for a dry skin but is excellent for an oily skin.

Pavanamuktasana (lumbar stretch)- the yogic posture

With the kind of lifestyle that we lead, back pain is very common nowadays. Pavanamuktasana is an excellent yogic posture which improves muscle power and stamina to relieve backpain.

It also provides relief from flatulence or gas. ‘ Pavana’ means ‘wind’ or ‘gas’ and ‘mukta’ means to be free. Therefore, ‘Pavanamuktasana’ means to be free from gas.

Coloring your hair-remember these points

If you want to color your hair then remember these points:

  • First coloring should be done by expert hands. Consult a beautician about the color choice. A contrasting hair color clashes with your skin tone and eye color. Since black hair is more prevalent in Indians, chestnut brown color (reddish brown) and caramel (light brown) are perfect to tint either totally or in streaks.
  • Always buy a good hair color from a reputed company. Do not go for cheap brand which can damage your hair and skin.
  • Always read the instructions carefully.
  • Consult the sensitivity test to check if your are allergic to that brand. If allergic symptoms like reddening, itching, rash or swelling occur, do not use it. Try another brand.
  • If you are on medication do not use color at all.
  • If your hair has been dyed, hennaed or bleached wait till the color fades before you use hair color.
  • If you have boils, wounds or scratches on your scalp, this should heal before you attempt to use hair color.
  • Apply uniformly from root to top with firm steady strokes of the color brush. Learn the correct technique from a beauty expert.
  • While swimming, use a cap and rinse out hair immediately after the swim to remove salt and chlorine deposits.
  • Do not perm or straighten the hair after it has been colored, for the chemicals and strong brushing will affect the color. Perm or straighten before you use hair color.

Category: Hair care Photo

Medicinal/Cosmetic uses of Rosemary

Rosemary is an attractive evergreen shrub with pine needle-like leaves. There are different species of this evergreen shrub. The differences are in their heights, color of flowers, taste and appearance.

Medicinal/Cosmetic uses of Rosemary

  • Rosemary essential oil is used as an anti depressant, anti-septic, digestive stimulant and tonic properties. Extracted by steam distillation of flowers and leaves it has a strong, clean mint aroma. In today’s aromatherapy it is used to energize and stimulate the central nervous system. It is believed to aid in memory retention.
  • Rosemary is used externally for rheumatism, arthritis, and neuralgia.
  • One traditional use of rosemary has been to stimulate hair growth. It is advised for use during pregnancy or if a person suffers from epilepsy.
  • Place a couple of sprigs or a sachet in your sweater drawers because rosemary is a moth repellant. Add rosemary to sachets, soaps, bath salts and candles for a delightful fragrance.
  • Culinary uses: The leaves are used fresh, dried, or frozen in many recipes. It is commonly used on meats, stews, sauces, and soups. Brew some fresh rosemary in tea, adding a few fresh or dried leaves.

See also: Aloe vera- the wonder herb/ Tulsi (basil) for beauty / Mint (pudina) for health and beauty

Home remedies for hoarse voice (laryngitis)

Hoarse voice (laryngitis) is the term used to denote the inflammatory condition of the larynx- the voice box. In Ayurveda this is called ‘swarabheda’.

Skin care in the 40s

Today women in their 40s feel much younger and vibrant than their earlier generation. The 40s today reflects the age when women are in their most independent and confident self.

This is also the time when you will regret if you ever had these habits in your youth- overexposure to the sun, poor diet, squinting, smoking, attending late-night parties etc. because you will start looking much older than you actually are. On the other hand if you had followed all the good skin care habits along with a proper diet and exercise regimen in your 20s and 30s it will show up on your skin, making you look years younger.

But it is true that things start slowing down. Cell production decreases, pigmentation becomes uneven and skin begins to lose its elasticity. The skin cannot repair itself, as it used to do earlier. As a result fine lines start appearing around the eyes and laugh lines also get deeper. Now you should give a proper treatment to the skin with vitamin E based creams as it will stimulate the cells and increase the collagen production. Use a rich under-eye cream at night to keep the lines away; don’t rub your eyes, as these can stretch your delicate skin. Also remember to include your neck in everything that you do right from facials, moisturizers, sunscreen to night cream. Investing on good skin-care products rather than cosmetics would be a wiser decision at this point of time.

At this stage, you need to take special care of your diet for a youthful look. Now liquid food like soups and juice will be better than cereals. Include lots of green vegetables, salads and fruits in your daily diet. Drink plenty of water to protect your skin from dryness. It will also keep your system clean which is very important for a glowing skin. Exercising in fresh air helps you to pump up circulation and oxygen supply to the skin. Stretching, walking, yoga and pranayama are ideal.
Category: Skin care Photo source:Wikipedia

Teeth whitening remedies

Teeth could be naturally dark or could be discolored by repeated exposure to beverages like tea, coffee or red wine, smoking and also medications apart from decay and trauma to the tooth. If you want your captivating smile to be adorned by a row of glistening pearly white teeth, then try these treatments and remedies:

‘In chair’ bleaching at the dentist for teeth whitening
Though there are several options available for teeth whitening, bleaching at a cosmetic dentistry clinic can significantly lighten your teeth within an hour. A large percentage of the people who have undergone bleaching have experienced a positive change in the color of their teeth. Read about it at About Cosmetic dentisty.

‘At home’ teeth whitening bleaching kit
The ‘at home’ teeth whitening technique is also a popular bleaching procedure to whiten your teeth. You can obtain the bleaching kit from your dentist or make an over-the counter purchase. Use it conveniently at night and the gel should work while you sleep. It takes anywhere between two to six weeks for noticeable results but the effect lasts for more than two years. For more details on these two techniques, visit the ADA FAQ page.

Teeth whitening- home remedies
1) Rubbing the teeth with a little baking soda or coarse salt will do the trick.
2) Liberal quantities of gooseberry (amla) and onions in your diet will prevent tooth decay and make your teeth bright and healthy.
3) If your teeth have become yellowish, brush teeth with salt, baking soda (soda bicarb) or sage leaf.
4) For sparkling teeth, brushing of teeth once a day with table salt, lime juice and rough ash got from burning paddy husk is also suggested.
Category: Body care & spa , Home-remedies
See also: Home remedies for tooth ache / Oral-Dental Hygiene and care /Bad Breath(Halitosis)

Vaseline makes eyelashes grow longer and thicker

Vaseline a.k.a. petroleum jelly is the oldest and the most popular cosmetic product used all over the world. Its versatility can be recognized from the fact that it is extensively used in innumerable skin problems and ailments’ including chapped hands or lips, toenail fungus, chest colds, nasal congestion, cracked feet – the list goes on! It is also used as an ingredient in skin lotions and cosmetics. This wonderful multi-purpose product has one more delightful use in its kitty. Vaseline can actually make your eyelashes grow longer and thicker.

Home-made cleansing milk, astringent and toner

Home-made cleansing milk
1 tsp yeast
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon carrot juice
½ tsp curds
1 tsp orange juice
1 tsp olive oil
Mix all the ingredients and use it as cleansing milk. Apply it over the face massaging the face in circular motions and then remove it with a cotton ball soaked in warm water after 10 minutes.
Home-made toner
After the pores have been opened and cleaned, they need to be tightened and cleared of all cleansers. After that try and use this toner:
½ large cucumber
4 tbsp chopped fresh mint
1 tbsp witch hazel
Liquidize the cucumber, add other ingredients and apply.
Home-made astringent
1 tbsp milk powder
1 mashed ripe pear
Mix to form a smooth paste and apply.

Know your fragrance

Fragrance is an essential feature of your grooming. A mind-boggling range of perfumes has hit the market, so take time in choosing the perfumes, ensuring that you buy the best one that suits your personality best. Consider these points while applying a perfume:
  • In most cases perfumes need to be reapplied every 3 to 5 hours.
  • During the day it is a good idea to wear a cologne or eau-de-toilette rather than a concentrate, which is more suitable for the evening.
  • Do not mix your perfumes and do not allow a fragrance to become altered by scented soaps, deodorants or bath oils.
  • For optimum effect, try applying a few drops on your pulse points (i.e. the inside of your wrists or behind your ears). These spots help to disperse the fragrance more effectively.
  • If you are allergic to fragrance, spray them on the inside of your clothes instead, but be careful that the scent does not stain your clothing.
  • Do not throw away a perfume bottle when the contents are finished. Place the empty bottle (without the lid) inside your closet. You will discover that the perfume beautifully scents your garments.
  • Never store your perfume in direct sunlight, as it alters the scent over a period of time. Keep it cool in dark places.
  • Always replace the lid tightly on your perfume bottle after use so as to prevent the scent from evaporating.
  • If you are often out in the sun, try to avoid wearing perfume in areas which are most exposed to the sunlight. This is because particular oils in certain perfumes make the skin more prone to sunburns.
  • Do not stick to just one brand of perfume. Use a selection of fragrances to suit any particular time or occasion.

Photo source:

Develop a positive attitude

A positive attitude or outlook on life can lead to positive behavior and success. A person with a positive behavior draws others’ like a magnet. After all, everyone would like to be around with a person who is strong and motivated, with the confidence to keep moving forward and not with a person who always stays stuck in one place and whines about his/her imaginary or real worries and insecurities.

Cleaning your hands

You may be washing your hands at odd moments during the day, whenever they are dirty or you may be applying soap on them and washing them during bathing but this is not the same thing as cleaning them. The care of your hands should also be a part of your daily beauty routine, because hands reveal a lot. Neglected worn out, wrinkled hands will make you look older than what you actually are. You should shower the same kind of attention on your hands as you do to your face.

Every night you should wash your hands with soap; scrub the nails, cuticles and knuckles, whiz over the hard bits with pumice stone. While many aestheticians advise you to push the cuticle back  in order to keep your nails in a good shape, it certainly isn't a healthy habit says Dr Schultz of DermTV.   This can even result in an yeast or a bacterial infection, the same yeast that causes vaginal infection and it may take months to heal, warns he.

However if your fingers have been stained due to some reason, rub a cut lemon over them. (also check Get rid of stains on fingers and nails with these simple DIY aids from the kitchen)  Rinse well and clean.

For a light hair growth over the hands, you may clean it while bathing. Gently rub a pumice stone over the hands in circular motions. Don’t rub hard and injure your skin. Make this a part of your daily routine and you will soon have smooth hands. For a denser hair growth, go in for periodic bleaching at a beauty salon. Attempt to do waxing at home only if you know the correct method. Waxing not only reduces hair growth in the long run but also ensures clean and smooth hands.

Pay attention to your elbows. These are often neglected and appear dark and rough. Rub a cut lemon on the elbows to lighten the color of the skin and move a pumice stone over them gently in circular motions to remove their roughness.

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See also: Hand and nail care/ Manicure at home / Nails reveal your health/Fix torn nails at home

Eye make-up

Use eye make-up to emphasize the eyes. The type of eye make-up varies depending upon the occasion, the time of the day (whether daytime or night) and also according to the shape and setting of your eyes. You have to first use the eye shadow, then the eyeliner, kohl pencil or kajal, and lastly your mascara. When applying eye make-up, it is best to do so in natural light.
1. Eye shadow: Eye shadow should be applied as close to the roots of the lashes as possible and then blended over the lid and outwards with a brush or your fingertips. Carry a little or the color around the outer corner and smudge it gently to give the eyes a soft look. Eye shadow, when applied and blended properly, helps accentuate your eyes. This is especially true if you have dark eyes.
2. Eyeliners: Eyeliners are available in pencil, liquid and cake varieties. Each type has its positive features and the one that you use would depend on your preference. Draw a very fine line with a pointed brush from the inner to the outer corner of your eye, without flicking upwards at the end. Make sure you apply the liner close to the roots of the lashes. If you want to experiment with colors, use different color eyeliners to bring out the natural color of your eyes. For example, if you have brown eyes, try using black or blue eyeliner.
3. Kajal or kohl pencil: Kajal looks great if you have dark eyes, especially suits Indian eyes. Kohl pencils or kajal can be used to color the inner rims of the lower lids.
4. Mascara: Mascara should always be applied last. When applying mascara, look down into a mirror held at chin level and first stroke the brush over the lashes. Then brush the lashes from root to tip, pushing them up, so that you have to look up into it. Mascara should be applied in several thin coats, allowing each coat to dry, before applying the next coat. Black or brown colors look good on our complexion.
Category: Make up

Kapalabhati Pranayam for wrinkle-free, radiant complexion

Did you know that Kapalabhati Pranayam / kriya can also be used to enhance your beauty and ward off skin aging? Done the right way,  Kapalabhati Pranayam can be used as a beauty aid - it can give you a wrinkle-free, luminous forehead and radiant complexion.

Kapalabhati For Beauty

‘Kapalabhati’ Pranayam breathing exercise is an excellent way of maintaining good health and fighting diseases.

‘Kapala’ means ‘skull’ (and ‘forehead’ also) and ‘bhati’ means ‘shining’. By doing kapalabhati, the ‘nadis’(nerves) of the brain get good exercise.

This is achieved by exercising the diaphragm. There will be a glow on the forehead.

After the age of 25, the tell-tale signs of ageing start making their appearance in the form of fine lines on the forehead.

A regular practice of Kapalabhati for 10-15 minutes everyday will give you a tight forehead sans wrinkles for many years to come.

Avoid Botox, try Kapalabhati

Why resort to Botox  and other expensive chemical or surgical procedures to get rid of your age lines when you know it is harmful and can even affect your brain and central nervous system?
Besides Botox injections don't guarantee a wrinkle free face. On the other hand,  Botox injections in one part of the face could cause newer facial wrinkles to appear elsewhere.

Here’s how it happens: After a Botox session, a patient tries to make a facial expression, but Botox-injected muscles can’t move. Nearby muscles contract instead, causing new wrinkles. [Source]

When there is such a simple, natural and healthy alternative available to you in the form of ‘Kapalabhati’ which can make your face glow like a radiant sun, you need not go fall for procedures like Botox, chemical peels, cosmetic surgery and the like!

Home remedies with cumin seeds (jeera)

Popularly known as jeera in most Indian languages, cumin seeds are one of the most common ingredients in Indian cuisine. The sweetened version of these dry yellowish looking seeds help in digesting the food. They are also used for preparing various medicines of unani and ayurvedic systems. Grown all over India, it is used for dyspepsia, fever, swelling, and uterus problems. It is also a germicidal insecticide.

Home-made henna (mehendi) hair dye

Does that premature gray in your hair embarrass you to no end? Has the natural process of ageing made your hair turn gray, with those first few strands of gray mocking at you, reminding you of your advancing age?

Well, if you are the kind of person who has an aversion to chemical hair-colors and dyes, then try out this simple home-made henna hair-dye and cover your gray.

Fix torn nails at home

The most useful techniques for fixing torn or split nails quickly are by gluing and patching and you can do this at home.
Place torn section together; then apply nail glue sparingly using a toothpick. To seal peeling layers back together apply a drop on the damaged area and spread out with a manicure stick. Make sure the hands are clean and the nail in question is perfectly free from polish before you glue. Keep glue away from the rest of the hands because it is very strong and can seal fingers together.
If the tear is big, then cover the damaged area with a piece of plastic or paper and attach it with nail glue or liquid nail adhesive. After, mending, apply polish to the nail to conceal the patch.
Don’t bite
Bitten nails look frightful. The best cure for this grubby habit is will power.
Polishing up
Polish protects nails by giving them an extra, strengthening layer and even a colorless polish finishes off hands nicely but constant use of nail polish isn’t advisable. Nails need to breathe, so give nails a rest from polish occasionally.
Category: Body care & spa
See also: Hand and nail care/ Manicure at home / Nails reveal your health