Pomegranate Exfoliating Scrub

Pomegranates are one of the most antioxidant rich fruits. According to a study conducted by researchers from Center for Human Nutrition at the University of California-Los Angeles' David Geffen School of Medicine and published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, it has been found  that this fruit's juice has more inflammation fighting antioxidants than red wine or green tea. Eat pomegranates on a regular basis for a smooth, youthful and glowing skin. Also use the below mentioned scrub once or twice a week to do away with dead skin cells.
Pomegranate Exfoliating scrub Recipe:
pomegranate seeds2 tbsp pomegranate seeds
1 cup uncooked oatmeal
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp buttermilk
Coarsely grind pomegranate seeds and oatmeal in a mixer. Then add honey and buttermilk and apply this paste to your face and let it stay for a few minutes, then rinse. For scrubbing hands and rough skin like elbows, add 5 tbsp of sugar to the above paste.

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  1. Anonymous9:36 AM

    enjoy the power of pomegranate for your skin! Korres Pomegranate Mask ($24.50) tightens up your pores and white argil clay removes the yucky stuff, leaving you with clean fresh skin.

  2. The fruit is high in antioxidants, so it's popular right now in "health" foods.


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