The Bael tree is revered and worshipped in India . And almost every part of this amazing tree can be used in home-remedies. Read Medicinal uses of Bael (Bilva), to know about the significance and other uses of this wonderful tree.
Bael fruit powder 2tsp
Date extract 2 tbsp
Honey 1 tbsp
Date extract 2 tbsp
Honey 1 tbsp
Mix all the ingredients; blend it well to form a paste. Apply it all over your face for 10-15 minutes and then wash it off. It yields amazing results far beyond your expectations. Very rewarding for a sagging skin as it firms it up. Good for normal and oily skin.Related Posts That You May Like:
Your genes and the level of sun exposure you've had during your lifetime determine how much you sag. Smoking contributes to skin sagging, too.