Top 7 Tips to Reduce Freckles

Freckles are flat, round and brown spots of different sizes that appear on any area of the skin. They occur naturally or develop as a result of sun exposure, genetics or hormonal imbalance. Some people think of them as assets rather than flaws. They are not harmful to the skin though some people prefer to get rid of them maybe to get an even complexion. If you want to reduce freckles or completely remove them, you may follow the following 7 tips:


1. Use Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is a highly effective ingredient for treating freckles as well as brown spots. Lemon juice has skin lightening properties that will nicely bleach the dark spots on your skin. Apply fresh lemon juice on the affected skin and gently massage the area. Remember that you cannot forget to wash it off as walking with it under the sun will cause your skin to freckle. Getting rid of freckles with lemon juice is quite effective when used inside the house in the morning or before bedtime under your night moisturizers

2. Fruit Mask
Masks made from fruits such as cucumber, apricot or strawberries contain acids which can bleach any pigmentation on the face or any other part of your body. For changes to appear, you have to regularly use fruits mask for a couple of days or months. Caution should be taken if you notice any weird changes when you start using fruits masks. This is because your skin may be reacting to such acids or could be another bad cause.

3. Laser Treatments
Lasers can be used to burn the blood vessels just underneath the freckles, reducing their appearance or removing them completely. The procedure is not known to have any long-term damaging effects, but it may cause temporary bruising, swelling and redness.

Laser removal for freckles is in fact the best solution because the dermatologist or plastic surgeon will look at all the freckles you want to get rid of and identify the cancerous simultaneously. In addition, you will be directed on where to get treatments for cancerous kinds.

4. Protection from the Sun
Although some people are born with freckles, others develop as a result of too much exposure to the sun. They may fade during winter but come back darker in summer, if enough precaution is not taken to keep the sun’s rays off your skin. Sunscreen use will come in handy to ease this. Also use protective clothing such as hats, to keep the excessive sun rays off your skin. You may wear light, airy long-sleeved shirts and pants during summer to keep cool and protect your skin at the same time. The sun’s rays are strongest around midday. Skip basking at this time to avoid more freckles and possible skin cancer.

5. Use of Lightening Cream
It is especially useful for people with dry skin. A color slightly lighter than the freckles in question is perfect. However, when some creams are used in the sun, as they may cause more damage on your skin. Hydroquinone for example does a great job in brightening freckles. On the other hand, if used under sunlight, you put yourself at risk of acquiring skin cancer. Therefore, you have to use it a night, wash it off in the morning and ensure that you wear a powerful sun block that has an SPF of 30 or more. Regardless of this, you will clear the freckles and get better returns and best of all, prevent skin cancer.

6. Vitamin C Intake
This is an incredible vitamin that helps in lightening freckles. You have to eat fruits rich in vitamin C, which helps your skin get natural skin protection from the sun. These are mostly fruits especially of the citrus kinds. When it comes to citrus fruits, the list is endless. Try to incorporate any daily in your diet, and if you can manage to squeeze juice out of them, the better. Fruits rich in vitamin C include oranges, tangerines, pineapples, kiwi fruits, lemons, apricots, strawberries and many more.

7. Honey
Honey is excellent for fading freckles because it contains enzymes that help lighten skin pigmentation while moisturizing. Simply mix honey and water and heat it slightly in a microwave. Gently massage it on the affected area and allow it to sit for a few minutes. Finally rinse the area thoroughly with warm water. Do this daily for a several weeks to get rid of freckles.

Conclusion Getting rid of freckles doesn’t have to be a tiring job. However, before taking any step it is important to consult your dermatologist to ensure they are actual freckles and not skin cancer masquerading as freckles.

This will save you a lot. Enjoy a flawless skin!

Author Bio
Churchill Otieno, a Content Writer, Communications Analyst has a specialized expertise in writing articles on beauty for more than two years with interest on beauty tips and tricks. He is working as Communications Practitioner and Beauty Expert Writer. Advocating all types of Beauty-care professionals.

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  1. Seema3:54 PM

    stay out of the sun

  2. PRAMODA3:58 PM

    Freckles are adorable. I wish i had them.


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