
5 Steps to Becoming an Egg Donor

Becoming an egg donor is a fairly complicated process, but donors often find it very rewarding. Before you decide to become a donor, you should know what the process entails. That way, you know more about the qualifications and steps.

Step #1 Fill Out an Application
Image via Flickr by jeffk

Before you do anything, you have to start the donation process by filling out an application. Look for a donation agency that makes you feel comfortable and protects your privacy. You should never have to worry that the agency will share identifying information with anyone, including the intended parents.

Step #2 Talk to a Lawyer
Becoming an egg donor is a big commitment that you cannot take lightly. Before you make that commitment, speak with a lawyer who can make sure everyone has the proper legal protections. The lawyer should explain your legal rights and the rights of the intended parents.

Many egg donor agencies have legal teams that they keep on retainer. If your agency has a lawyer or law firm, then you might have to use their services to qualify for donation.

The intended parents should pay for legal consultations.

Step #3 Get a Psychological Screening
Psychological screening accomplishes two things:
  • It makes sure you have the emotional stability to make a commitment as a donor, and
  • It tests for psychological problems that may have a genetic basis.
Some of the psychological issues that agencies look for include, but are not limited to:
  • Depression
  • Schizophrenia
  • Bipolar disorder (manic-depressive disorder)
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
The screening process can vary from person to person. Counselors rely on qualified assessment tools that other psychologists use when diagnosing patients. If the counselor suspects that you have a certain disorder, then you may need to undergo additional assessments to confirm or disprove the suspicion.
This is for your protection as well as that of the intended parents and child.

Step #4 Undergo a Medical Screening
Image via Flickr by campdarby

Before donating eggs, women must pass medical screenings to prove that they do not have serious genetic diseases or health issues that may affect donation.

Your medical screening will likely make sure you:
  • Have a healthy BMI (usually defined as between 19 and 29)
  • Have regular menstrual cycles
  • Are not using birth control injections or implants
  • Do not have a history of substance abuse
  • Have two healthy ovaries
  • Do not use tobacco products
  • Don't have genetic disorders that the child might inherit
The medical screening might also require you to perform physical fitness tests. This shows that you are healthy enough to undergo the donation process without complications.

Step #5 Make The Commitment
Becoming an egg donor is a great gift that helps couples start their own families. But it does require some effort. Making the commitment often means taking hormone injections and undergoing a minimally invasive surgery.

What are some of the reasons that you want to become a donor? There's a great deal of information to consider before making that very big decision. Are you concerned about any of the steps involved?

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  1. Vedantha3:01 PM

    After you have been chosen for the egg donation process, the fertility specialists at the Center for Assisted Reproduction will synchronize your menstrual cycle with that of the recipient. To achieve this, you will be using either oral contraceptives (birth control pills) or a vaginal contraceptive ring containing synthetic hormones similar to those in birth control pills.

  2. Vikas3:03 PM

    To stimulate your ovaries so they produce several eggs at once, you will be administered hormones called follicle stimulating hormone. These injections will be administered to you daily at CAR.

  3. Anonymous3:04 PM

    the surgery needed to retrieve the mature eggs from your ovaries. After you are sedated, the doctor will direct a thin needle through your vagina to harvest the eggs. To ensure precise movement, the operation is guided by ultrasound imaging.

  4. Not all women can donate eggs. Programs vary in the qualities they prefer, but some criteria are fairly standard. Certain rules are set for legal reasons.
    egg donors must be a certain age, usually 21, and be no more than 35.


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