
Exercise regularly for better vision

Regular exercise has enormous health benefits and it's great for your mind as well as it improves your mood and memory. It improves the overall stamina and strength, improves blood circulation, helps reduce stress and tension and provides a better quality of life.  Some mentionable health benefits of exercise include reduced risk of heart diseases, hypertension, osteoporosis, some cancers etc.  Thus it's the key to the prevention of numerous illnesses and in the maintenance of a fit and agile body.Studies have found that elderly people who indulge in regular exercise have improved immune systems, good bone density, improved flexibility of joints, decreased blood pressure, better heart health, improved metabolism, better quality of sleep and a lower risk of dreaded diseases like dementia and Alzheimer's.

Constipation During Pregnancy - Home Remedies

It's quite common to experience constipation during pregnancy. It may occur as early as in the first trimester and may persist up to the last trimester. It can cause a lot of discomfort like abdominal bloating, flatulence and intestinal pain.

Straining to pass the stools may also lead to piles and haemorrhoids. So if you are experiencing constipation during pregnancy, do not ignore this problem as an inevitable pregnancy issue but try to alleviate the symptoms naturally without taking recourse to medicines.

In any case, it's not safe to take any drug without your consulting your doctor. To ease the symptoms, you will have to make some changes in your food and lifestyle, along with a few home-remedies.

Can drinking tea make your skin darker?

L asks:  My 10 year old son often asks for tea but I reprimand him saying that his skin tone will get darker by drinking tea for that's what I have heard people around me say about giving tea to kids! 

I have heard good things about teas like green and white tea, however!  So does drinking tea really make the skin dark? And what about lips - does it cause darkening in lips?  Please enlighten me on this!

If drinking tea could make a person dark, then all Irish and English who cannot do without their morning cuppa would have been dark-complexioned!

Does tea make your skin tone dark? - pic of cup of milky tea on a table with cookies