
Chilblains:a skin affliction that occurs in winter

Another affliction which can affect some people in winter is chilblains. According to Wikipedia, chilblains are painful, red, itchy swellings on the skin which are caused when the skin is exposed to extreme cold, dampness and humidity. They usually affect toes, fingers, face, nose, and earlobes. Chilblains shouldn’t be confused with frost-bite states the article at Mayoclinic. It mentions that in some cases this even results in blisters and open sores. It goes on to add that chilblains usually clear up within seven to 14 days and suggests that affected persons should avoid or limit their exposure to cold and extremities of temperature change.

Treatments suggested:

* Keep your hands and feet warm. Wear gloves and socks when venturing outdoors.

* Another suggestion is to warm-up with exercise before going out, so that there is proper blood circulation to the affected parts such as feet.

* Soak your feet (if they are affected) in warm, not very hot water for a few minutes. Wipe your feet and gently massage with olive oil.

* You can even try an Epsom salt foot bath.

* As some people get chilblains if they try to warm up their cold skin too quickly by sitting near the fireplace or by using hot water bags, it is better if to warm-up gradually.

* Apply soothing calamine lotions to relieve your itching. Consult a dermatologist if your condition worsens or if it occurs as a side-effect of some drugs.

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  1. I learn something new each day. Chilblains isn't a term we hear much anymore, but it was common in earlier centuries, if memory serves.

    I have never explored what these actually were though. Good post!

  2. Hi Sagerave, Glad to know that you liked the post. Keep visiting often and keep leaving your comments and views always.


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