
Contact Lenses That Get Darker In Sunlight

Walking in bright sunlight can be torturous for those wearing contact lenses, as it reportedly makes many wearers ultra-sensitive  to strong light. Yes, it's always a better idea to wear protective sunglasses when you are out in the bright sun with contacts in your eyes. But its even better if you get to wear contact lenses which get darker when you are out in the sun similar to some of those transition prescription eye glasses which get darker. The good news is that such type of transition lenses may soon become reality with the US FDA  having  approved of transition contact lenses.

woman wearing contact lenses

Analyzing Laser Hair Removal

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It can be tempting to jump into trying any treatment for body hair you don't want. But when it comes to clinical treatments it is important to understand how they work. That is especially true when it comes to laser hair removal. You have to analyze the process well to make sure it will mesh with your needs and desires. Here's a brief analysis of the main points of the laser hair treatment process.

Laser Hair Removal Laser

Facial Cleaning Routine With Jade Facial Roller

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To achieve or maintain soft, blemish-free skin that naturally glows, it's important to have our own facial routine. As you may already know by now, each person’s skin is different. What may work for one may not work for the other, this is why we should always test and select only the right products for our skin. But even with that, I still believe that it's important to keep an open mind, experiment and try new products. 

Chi Himalayan Jade Facial Roller

For me, "Explore, select, and add" is the perfect mantra when it comes to beauty. I enjoy looking out for new beauty products that can help me get smooth, pimple-free skin.  Like most of you, I follow beauty gurus and those passionate about keeping and maintaining beauty.

Convalescence - The recovery Period After Illness

Much as we would like to wish our illnesses away, the fact remains that we are, at some time or other, sure to be bothered by some ailment or other. Some of us may fall ill less often than others, but everyone has his or her share of illness all the time.

woman sick in bed

What is convalescence period?

Here we are not going to talk about the "sick" part of our illness. What we are discussing here is the part where we are technically cured, but practically unable to move about in our normal way, and follow our usual routine. That is the convalescence or the recovery period when we have to perforce lie in bed on the doctor's advice, or at least, take things easy.

Don't quit sugar completely

Agreed that consuming too much sugar increases the risk of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, macular degeneration, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers and a host of other illnesses. But is a sugar-free diet, in which you ban sugar completely a solution to this problem?

Coping With Ingratitude

We have all experienced ingratitude one time or the other in our lives. It hurts us deeply when a person turns his back on us in our hour of need.

Ingratitude hurts deeply

 Let’s first take a look at some examples of how ungrateful our near and dear ones can be!  Of course, it’s human to get upset and feel used by the attitude of ungrateful people around us but instead of cribbing over it and indulging in self-pity, let’s find ways to cope up with ingratitude.