
Did you know?

headache* Three months of intensive Yoga can curb the frequency and intensity of migraines by 70 percent according to a study by the University of Rajasthan. Yoga increases serotonin levels which reduce the constriction of blood vessels in the brain that cause migraines.

* A team at Gothenburg University in Sweden treated 30 sufferers with 30-minute weekly sessions of acupuncture for 10-12 weeks. Each subject recorded their pain level, noting on an average, a 70 percent reduction in brain ache. To enhance this curative effect, study author Dr. Elisabeth Sodenberg recommends combining it with deep breathing exercises.

See also:
A magnetic device to zap migraines

(Guest post by RJ)

Rubbing nails cures hair loss?

Most Acupressure Therapists swear by this. They say that rubbing the nails of both the hands can reduce hair fall and give you dense, thick and strong hair. Moreover, it can also prevent graying of hair, they add. This tip has also been popularized by yoga guru Baba Ramdev through his yoga camps.

The method:

Rubbing nails to reduce hair-loss and/or gray hair You have to briskly rub the fingernails of one hand against the fingernails of the other hand, excluding the thumb for 5 minutes thrice a day. Though not compulsory, it’s better if you visualize and concentrate on what you want to accomplish (whether it is a full head of hair or a head devoid of gray hair). You have to be patient and do this for one full month to notice any difference and you will reap the full benefits of practicing this technique in about 6 months.

Dettol antibacterial soap :Review

I don’t like to use an anti-bacterial soap as a regular bathing soap, mainly because I belong to the school of thought that does not advocate the regular usage of anti-bacterial/ antimicrobial soaps on a perfectly healthy skin as it tends to interfere with the normal skin flora and disturbs the ecology and health of the skin. Besides television ads have also impressed upon me that anti-bacterial soaps are mostly meant for athletes, wrestlers and those who do rigorous and strenuous work/exercise. However, anti-bacterial soaps may prove advantageous to those people whose skins are prone to bacterial infections as also to those who live in insect/bug /mosquito infested localities and folks who suffer from excessive perspiration and body odor.

Nutrition quotes to motivate you

Quotes on nutrition - If these awesome collection of highly motivating,inspirational nutrition quotes, sayings, and  proverbs can't motivate you to take charge of your health then I don't know what will!

Quotes on nutrition

By the way, if Kareena Kapoor is your inspiration for a maintaining a healthy figure as opposed to a   'size-zero look', did you know that it was achieved through a proper nutrition plan?

kareena-size zero

Yes, actor Kareena Kapoor isn't reed-thin but looks healthy, flaunting her curves and  this was achieved by a combination of proper nutrition, Yoga and exercise.

Indeed, nutrition plays an important role in our health and well-being and according to Kareena’s nutritionist, Rujuta Diwekar, food is the core of our existence. 

She says “I use food and the act of eating as a way of getting in touch with our digestive system and our real self.” “Eating doesn’t make us fat. In fact I eat (proper nutritious food) all the time and I give my client ‘eating plans’, not ‘diet plans”, she rightly adds.

And if this new fad has taken over you and you are pouring over all that mind-boggling literature on proper nutrition and diet in a bid to achieve that perfect look, it’s time to take a break and cast a glance at these gems of wisdom. 

As a matter of fact, these ‘quotes on nutrition’ will most certainly make you ‘see’ food and nutrition in a new light.

25+ Awesome Quotes on Nutrition 


From food are produced all creatures which dwell on earth. Then they live by food, and in the end they return to food. For food is the oldest of all beings, and therefore it is called panacea.

Taittiriya Upanishad

The first wealth is health.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food.

— Hippocrates

To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.

—La Rochefoucauld

Don't dig your grave with your own knife and fork.

 — English Proverb

I saw a few die of hunger, of eating, a hundred thousand.

—Benjamin Franklin

We never repent of having eaten too little.

Thomas Jefferson

Never eat more than you can lift.

Miss Piggy

Simple diet is best; for many dishes bring many diseases: and rich sauces are worse than even heaping several meats upon each other.

- Pliny

Foods are threefold for mankind as are sacrifices, austerity and charity. Sattvic (pure) food is that one which increases longevity, purity, strength, health, happiness and taste and which is fresh, well-seasoned, juicy, durable in nature, cordial and comforting to the senses and liked by sattvic people. Rajasic (hot) food is that one which is bitter, sour, salty, hot and spicy, burning, craved by people with too strong appetite and which gives unrest, unhappiness, sorrow and disease. And lastly Tamasic (intoxicating) food is that one which is stored, savorless and devoid of any juices, dried, putrid, , filthy, foul smelling, decomposed, left over and indigestible; preferred by the foul minded and those given to excessive sloth and slumber. (Read more about this in yogic diet)

Bhagavad Gita

Leave your drugs in the chemist's pot if you can heal the patient with food. 


When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need. Ayurvedic Proverb

He that takes medicine and neglects diet wastes the skills of the physician.

Chinese Proverb

Let nothing which can be treated by diet be treated by other means. 


Today, more than 95% of all chronic disease is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise.

—Mike Adams

The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. 

— Thomas A Edison

Most people don't have a problem going on a diet. Their problem is being consistent on their diet. — Karen Sessions

Those who think they have no time for healthy eating, will sooner or later have to find time for illness.

Edward Stanley

Water is the most neglected nutrient in your diet, but one of the most vital. 

– Julia Child

We think fast food is equivalent to pornography, nutritionally speaking. 

— Steve Elbert

Without proper nutrition it is going to lead to more and more problems with behaviour and how people act and think in the future so we need to improve things now. 

Billy Higgins

It's all about nutrition. You can train, train, train all you want but I always say you can't outtrain a bad diet. 
— Joe Wicks

Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you’ve got a kingdom.
—Jack LaLanne

Most people don’t have a problem going on a diet. They problem is being consistent on their diet.
— Karen Sessions

If a child in its first thousand days - from conception to two years old - does not have adequate nutrition, the damage is irreversible. 
—Josette Sheeran

I found out that doctors typically aren't given much training in nutrition and that some so-called nutrition experts are not well qualified in that field. A large sample of physicians were asked how much training they got in nutrition in medical school. The average was less than three hours, with many having only one hour or less. That's out of nearly 3,500 hours of medical training. The truth is that doctors may get their nutrition information from the same newspapers and TV programs we do, and unless they have taken extra training in nutrition, they may not know much more about nutrition than the rest of us.

Neal Pinckney, M.D.

Sun Protection Mantras for Desi Skin

[In this post, Dr. Aparna Santhanam, skin care expert from Kaya Clinic gives some valuable advice about sun protection and skin care for Desi (Indian) skin.]

sunIt is the truth. The quantum of sun that we as Indians are exposed to in summer far outstrips that which our western counterparts experience. Yet, most of our fundas on sun care emanate from the west. Let us look specifically at some unique issues that Indian skin faces due to the sun.

  1. The risk of sun exposure in the west is mainly linked to worries about skin cancer. There is some good news for us. Being pigmented, we have some inherent protection and with a sensible outlook to sun, we do not have to worry about the risk of contracting cancer.
  2. The biggest risk that Indian skin faces is pigmentation. Due to extra melanin in the skin and a prototype that is prone to tanning, patchy darkening of the skin is the biggest worry. This can be effectively prevented as well as treated.
  3. The third worrying side effect of sun exposure is premature ageing of the skin. Again, Indian skin ages more slowly than our western counterparts. This gives us an opportunity to protect our skin to hold aging at bay for even longer.

Ten Mantras for protection

  1. Use a sunscreen at all times between the timings of 8 am to 6
  2. Ensure that your sunscreen has a UV A and UV B block. Look for words like broad spectrum and dual protection which indicate this.
  3. The SPF factor is an indication of UVB protection which is a sun burn protection indicator. So, do not get too caught up on the SPF number. The way you apply the sunscreen is far more important.
  4. Apply the sunscreen at least 20 minutes before you step outdoors. Ensure that you cover all exposed parts including ear lobes, neck and arms liberally with the sunscreen. Reapply the sunscreen every four hours.
  5. If you are spending a day at the beach or the pool, ensure you apply the sunscreen every one hour.
  6. Bolster your diet with food high in anti oxidants like carrots, papaya, pomegranate, beetroots and water melon, for internal sun protection.
  7. Being Indians, our lips are prone to darkening and pigmentation. Do use a lip balm with sunscreen to prevent darkening.
  8. Check areas like forehead and around your mouth to ensure you detect and seek help early for pigmentation.
  9. Do not forget to protect your back and wear gear like goggles for additional protection.
  10. Services like skin polishing and detanning peels can help you reverse tanning quickly. Do check with your dermatologist regarding the same.

Be sun safe and skin smart this summer. Follow these mantras and bask in the glory of a lovely summer’s day!

About Dr. Aparna Santhanam

Dr. Aparna Santhanam (MD,DNB), is a 39 year old cosmetic dermatologist and hair specialist from Mumbai, India with a long standing interest in writing of all kinds as well as holistic health and fitness. A firm believer in combining modern medicine with traditional beliefs and remedies, she has worked with various companies like Marico, Kaya, Cipla and Novartis. She currently has her own practice in Chembur and is a beauty and wellness consultant with Kaya Skin Clinic, Kaya life and Marico. She is also, a professionally qualified and trained broadcaster and columnist with experience in various forms of electronic, print and digital media.

Ayur Face packs for summer

These face packs from Ayur are ideal for oily and acne-prone skin in summers. I have used these packs several times before and they have worked for me. But, please test them on a small area of your skin before using them on your face and neck. It’s quite natural to develop rashes if you are allergic to any ingredient in them; so be forewarned.

Tulsi face pack

Ayur Tulsi face pack

Ayur Tulsi face pack

The herb Tulsi is known to fight and ward off skin infections and as such this pack is found to be good enough for normal to oily skins.

Sandal face pack

Ayur sandal face pack

Ayur Sandal face pack

Sandalwood is a coolant and anti-bacterial, fights prickly heat and acne and makes the skin glow.

Neem face pack

Ayur neem face pack

Ayur Neem face pack

This highly antiseptic and anti-bacterial face pack is most effective for acne-prone skins and heals pimples. (See also: Himalaya neem face pack: review)

Mint face pack Ayur mint face pack

Ayur mint face pack

This aromatic face pack with its cooling and refreshing properties revives dull, tired skin.

Cucumber face pack

Ayur cucumber face pack

Ayur cucumber face pack

You need to nourish and moisturize oily skins in summers as well. Cucumber is an excellent cleanser and moisturizer and is found to be extremely beneficial as a skin-nourisher.(See also: Everyuth cucumber face pack)

Did you know?

Interesting facts*Women are more vulnerable to the deadly side effects of smoking than men, a lung cancer study found.
* Women who have babies in their forties and fifties tend to live longer than other women, according to a new study.
* Children who are bullied at school over several years are up to four times more likely to develop psychotic-like symptoms by the time they reach early adolescence.
* Increased daily exercise can prevent diabetes and cardiovascular disease in obese women, but getting started and maintaining new habits is a challenge. A new study shows that extra support and encouragement can help more women to exercise to and from work.
* Fathers’ mental health problems could be harmful for their kids, a new research has warned.
* Sleep disturbances are more likely in babies born to mothers with depression than in those of mothers without depression, according to a new report.
* Mushrooms 'give your body a boost to beat the flu'. Eating fungi can help fight off infections and viruses by boosting the body's immune system, research shows.
* Feeling nauseous in early pregnancy could be a sign that your baby is developing a high IQ, according to a study.
* Conscientiousness is a good thing in a mate, researchers report, not just because it's easier to live with someone who washes the dishes without being asked, but also because having a conscientious partner may actually be good for one's health.
* Women who are overweight or perform heavy lifting or have certain conditions affecting the body's connective tissue may be at increased risk of having weakened pelvic muscles, a new study suggests.
* Probiotics may help ward off postpartum obesity.
* New research shows diets rich in fruits and vegetables and low in starchy carbs can lower risk for age-related eye problems.
* A new study suggests that older adults who eat diets rich in citrus fruits, leafy greens and fish oil, but low in "glycemic index," may have a lower risk of age-related macular degeneration.
* Canadian researchers say that fortifying flour and pasta products with folic acid appears to cut the number of babies born with congenital heart disease, the most common of all birth defects.
* When it comes to equality, men may be lagging far behind women in certain matters. For instance, the latest study by the McGill University Health Centre shows that women have a more powerful immune system than men.

Multani face packs from Banjara Herbals

An amazing cleansing mask for summer months is a mud pack – preferably a Multani Mitti face pack; it draws out excessive oil, sweat and grime from the pores and leaves the skin cleansed and free from blackheads. Two such Multani face packs from Banjara Herbals seem good.

Multani with AloeVera face pack
Aloevera is an awesome herb with soothing and moisturizing properties and when combined with Multani mitti (fuller’s earth), it helps remove impurities from the skin surface without affecting its moisture balance. As such this is a powerful re-hydrant cleansing pack that is not only effective for dry skins but also for all skin types. It’s even mentioned that you can add a tsp of honey for additional moisturization and a soothing effect.

multani with aloevera facepack from Banjara

Multani with aloevera face pack

Multani with Rose face pack
This combination of Multani mitti and Rose Petal Powder is supposed to be an anti-ageing formula utilizing protein rich compound. Rose petal powder is believed to soften coarse skin to give it a near perfect porcelain effect along with a luxurious aroma.

multani with rose face pack from Banjara

Multani with rose face pack

Raktha Chandan soap :Review

I’m fascinated by the medicinal and cosmetic benefits of Rakta Chandan (Red Sandalwood) and apply its paste whenever an ugly pimple sprouts up and I must admit that it dries up the zit exceedingly well and the paste (Red Sandalwood Chips /Red Sandalwood powder) itself in combination with Rose water, when used as a face pack, is extremely cooling and soothing to the skin. Incidentally both sandalwood (chandan) and red sandalwood with their antibacterial and coolant properties are ideal for dealing with summer skin woes. So when I happened to notice this soap named as Nagarjuna Raktha Chandan soap at a mall, I immediately purchased it.

DermiCool prickly heat powder:Review

Prickly heat is the bane of summer months. While these home-remedies help combat prickly heat  to a greater extent, you could also try commercially available prickly heat powders/talc like DermiCool to fight this menace. DermiCool, a prickly heat powder from Paras Pharmaceuticals imparts a refreshing, cooling sensation in those extremely hot, sweaty summers. This powder with its mentholated formulation is literally ‘cool’ and provides instant relief from intolerable heat and excessive sweating with its cool, soothing effect. After a nice, long cold-water bath, just sprinkle DermiCool all over your body, especially those parts which are prone to more sweating and prickly heat bumps. The powder is quite smooth and doesn’t irritate the skin. As you dust the powder over your skin, you experience that instant coolness, almost like tiny air-conditioners cooling your body.
DermiCool Prickly Heat Powder

Tips For Mothers To Pamper Themselves (Reminder On Mother's Day)

Mothers get so engrossed in their routine activities and catering to the whims and fancies of their kids and family that beauty, health and personal grooming often takes a backseat.

Most Indian mothers are guilty of this.

So this post is a call to all such mothers to spare a thought for themselves and also to coerce them to indulge in a bit of pampering and preening. Here are some tips to get going:

Quotes on grooming

grooming-brushing hairThe dictionary meaning of Grooming is caring for one's personal appearance, hygiene, and clothing. Wikipedia defines Personal grooming (also called titivating and preening) as the art of cleaning, grooming, and maintaining parts of the body. In animals, it is a species-typical behavior that is controlled by neural circuits in the brain. Grooming in humans typically includes bathroom activities such as primping: washing and cleaning the hair, combing it to extract tangles, and styling. It can also include cosmetic care of the body, such as shaving. As such, here’s a collection of quotes about grooming from famous personalities. Muse over them.

You are your greatest asset. Put your time, effort and money into training, grooming, and encouraging your greatest asset.

-- Tom Hopkins

Nobody objects to a woman being a good writer or sculptor or geneticist if at the same time she manages to be a good wife, good mother, good looking, good-tempered, well groomed and unaggressive.

-- Leslie McIntyre

Careful grooming may take twenty years off a woman’s age, but you can’t fool a flight of stairs.

-- Marlene Dietrich

We seem to believe it is possible to ward off death by following rules of good grooming.

-- Don DeLillo

I change my hairstyle every day for the show, I’m fastidious and vain about my nails and teeth and grooming and makeup, but a perfect body, forget it. Dust to dust, wuggies to wuggies.

-- Kathie Gifford

I see a little better grooming. Some might even be trying a little powder.

-- Howell Heflin

Cut your morning devotions into your personal grooming. You would not go out to work with a dirty face. Why start the day with the face of your soul unwashed?

-- Robert A. Cook

Increasingly, stars are recruited from the ranks of professional models, with the result that today's starlets are better dressed and better groomed than ever before, though it is doubtful if they are better actresses.

-- Rita Hayworth

Did you know?

Did you know?Did you know?
  • A connection between the laxity of a woman's knee joint and her monthly hormone cycle has been found by University of Calgary researchers.
  • A new study finds that "mirthful laughter," coupled with standard diabetic treatment, raises good cholesterol and may lower heart attack risk.
  • Women with psoriasis run a higher risk of diabetes and high blood pressure, perhaps because of the underlying inflammation that causes the skin condition, researchers said.
  • Scientists claim that, after shedding friends like follicles for much of their adult life, many men enjoy a “golden age” of friendship in their late forties.
  • Researchers have found that expectant mothers who drank took longer to recover after the birth.
  • Teeth bleaching products for home use may minimally reduce the surface hardness of tooth enamel and enamel's ability to "bounce back" from normal wear and tear, a laboratory study suggests.
  • Drinking at least one glass of low sodium vegetable juice every day may help overweight dieters lose more weight.
  • A new study suggests that moderate amounts of exercise alone can reduce the inflammation in visceral fat -- belly fat, if you will -- that has been linked with metabolic syndrome, a group of risk factors that predict heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.
  • Walnut consumption may provide the body with essential omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and phytosterols that reduce the risk of breast cancer, according to a new study.
  • Gentle activity such as going over to the TV to change the channel rather than using the remote control boosts your health, scientists have found.
  • New research shows that a regimen of dilute bleach baths and antibiotic nasal ointment can improve symptoms in children with eczema, a common, often itchy, skin condition that can become infected with skin microbes.